Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional

in #life8 years ago

Michel Rinpoche, in the 13-year-old said in his first book 'A young idea of ​​Peace' : Suffering is to have addiction to pain. One thing is we have pain and suffer from it; another thing to say, 'It hurts, but why should I suffer and get sick?'. Pain and suffering are different things. One thing is we have pain and another is to have suffering. You may have pain and not think that it is something bad, you can transform it. That is, instead of interpreting pain as an error or a punishment, we see it as a fact, something that we simply have to cross.

We fear the emotional pain because we are afraid that it will never end. Understanding that suffering itself is not permanent helps us to cross it. So part of the process of purifying suffering the awareness that it, itself, is not eternal. The question is not to deny our emotions because they are pointing in our limits and also our ability to cope with situations. So we should not repress them, but use them as an instrument of self-knowledge

What we think about the pain interprets the intensity of your suffering. To the extent that we open ourselves to accept and transform our pain, we change the relationship we have with her.

Instinctively resist the pain. That's natural. But we can turn into stronger people practice face the discomfort without interpreting it as good or bad. The perception of emotional pain saves us more pain we feel. Even if it hurts, is the act of perceiving pain that causes it to dissolve. It is healthy to suffer, but only what is necessary. What is not healthy is to deny emotional pain or feel it inadvertently accept it. This attitude is possible but involves training. It's like meditation, we need to train. For our spoiled mind does not want to change, even if it's for the better. After all, she does not know that change can be good!

Therefore, we must abandon the attitude of thinking that we are made the way we are and we will not change. This thought is very childish because we do not recognize that we can vouch for those who already are and want to be.

We are so burdened with preconceived ideas, expectations and requirements can no longer move us within ourselves! The more rigid we are internally, the more unsatisfactory is the world around us.

The activity of thinking and reflecting is a quality of our human nature, but the problem is when what we say let us tied to a negative pattern, which makes us fall repeatedly in the same trap. There is a logic in thinking that always results in the same destination. For example, if someone says he loves me, but I do not consider myself enough interesting to be loved, or this person is wrong or is too lacking in love. So accept anything in this case I. And so it goes, interpret reality as our self-image. If you already know that, now we need to give us a real chance to change.

Michel Rinpoche concludes in his book A young idea of Peace. Having inner peace is to be open to positive things and closed for the negative things. I think that's super important. If anyone criticize us in a negative way, we should not be disturbed by it. If we know that we are good, we have no reason to stay balanced and give weight to the words that were said. If we reflect, you will see that these are just words, we have no reason to react negatively. It is important to accept everything and turn a negative into a positive. As Lama Gangchen said: When we have inner peace, may even amputate your hand. We feel pain, but we will not suffering.


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