Does the movie series 'Back to the Future' accurately predict the WTC 911 attacks years before they occurred? It sure looks like it.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Was 'Back to the future' more than just a clever title for a film? As demonstrated in this well made video, the film series has carefully placed encodings right the way through it that symbolically describe the events #911 years before they occurred! The 911 story is symbolically represented there in many ways - including the following scenes:

  1. In the first movie arabic looking terrorists turn up to shoot the main characters at the Twin Pines Mall - where the logo of the mall is two tall pine trees, which change to a single 'Lone pine' after the terrorist attack in the film.
  2. The actual twin towers appear in a scene in the film where a character is upside down - suspended due to some futuristic technology. the Movement of the images of the twin towers in the film mean that if you view them from the perspective of the upside down character, the towers are seen to collapse and vanish.
  3. The date in the film that the previous point (the towers appearing as images in the film) takes place is October 2015 (a date way in the future at the time of the film's release). In reality, in October 2015 the same director (Robert Zemeckis) released a film called 'The Walk' which is about the twin towers. It's main character visually looks like the main character in 'Back to the future'.
  4. A scene in the first film includes the line 'you'll find out in 30 years' and it is exactly 30 years between the 1985 release of 'back to the future' and the 2015 release of 'The walk'. So it certainly appears that Robert Zemeckis is not doing this 'by chance' or unconsciously.
  5. the phrase 'TOWER STRUCK' appears in a news headline in the film.
  6. An 'all seeing eye' - the famous occultist symbol can be seen clearly in one of the scenes in the background.
  7. There is a scene where the time travelling car disappears into 'time' and leaves a firey trail behind on the road. A large neon sign in the shape of a '9' is to the left of the two tyre lines, spelling out 911 in bright light on the screen.

In fact, these points are not even the full list of direct connections between the symbology of these films and the real events of 911 in New York.

Does the idea of 'terrorist' events being planned to occur on symbolic dates that are known about by western 'secret societies' now not seem such a remote possibility? I wrote about this with relation to the recent London terror events as the patterns deserve our attention. Does all this have a use that we can discover to improve the balance and peace of our planet? You tell me!

Sounds impossible? take a look for yourself.:

This video was originally posted to the social network, here:

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


I so agree brother. This "World" is indeed a stage / game of sorts. I fully agree. Great work brother. :)

i followed you here on steem. i regularly put out posts on this type of subject - i currently have a series exposing many kinds of mind control. let me know what you think. :)

This world is a wild place.

it is that!

I think the terrorists got inspiration from Back to the future

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