...life is SO PRECIOUS, savor every moment...

in #life7 years ago

We only have a very short time on this Earth, and every one of us has a purpose. I believe I have found at least part of mine. But that is not why I am here today... I'm here to talk about my baby brother, who we lost in August, 2014. He was almost 3 years younger, but he was a bit taller, about an inch. He was a bigger build. Outweighed me by a good bit but he was not heavy. He was about Dad's size.

I remember the last fight we ever got into, I believe I was 18 then, and he would have been 15. He was badgering me, as younger brothers sometimes do :D I'd finally had enough of it, suddenly jumped at him, but he was far enough away that I had to give chase! I caught him when he was cornered in the bathroom, grabbed him up under the chin, and raised him up on the sink. The fear in his eyes made me re-think, so I let him down. We were the same size at that time ;) He might have climbed up the sink partly, after all I had him in a partial choke hold. Like I said, that was the Last Fight we had, good thing I established dominance one last time, he was getting too big to fuss with! lol

Donny is his name. Donny had a job as a mechanic when he was a teen, maybe at 16 or 17, for a used car lot. He bought a used car there, quite cheap, and fixed it up. Sold that one, made money, bought another. I don't think her EVER lost money on a car deal, he really knew how to pick them, and being "in the business" had access to better deals than your average guy. Plus a little luck, maybe?

Don married in his early 20's, younger teen Barbie Doll, very innocent girl. You don't get more innocent than that, if you know what I mean. Don practiced what he preached, and he was a preacher. Part time, he had been going around to country churches in the area where they had no full time preaching. He did a youth missions thing before he married, I forget the name of it, AIM I believe. "Adventures In Missions". He ended up in the spot where he met his wife, around Bedford IN. They have 2 kids, a girl and a boy. My niece wrote an FB post after he died, saying she misses him every day and loved everything he did for them. Kinda summed it up for all of us...

Don had an older 4th generation Mustang, 2001 GT, very nice condition. 10 years old, it needed very few repairs if any. Except the trunk lid struts. The trunk lid would drop after a minute and he was carrying in groceries, when the trunk lid came down a little. He was grabbing several of those plastic grocery bags, took a little too long... when he raised his head, the trunk latch whacked him pretty good about 3" over his left ear. He shook it off, carried in the groceries, and that was it. Until on day, driving to work, he was passing by St. Francis Hospital. He had worked there in the past, oh, I kind of left out that this industrious little brother of mine was not only an accomplished mechanic, automotive and maintenance, a preacher, and a licensed RN. He had gotten that done while working a maintenance job, and preaching at the same time. Nursing School is quite the grind, I understand.

I saw a lot of Don during his illness. More than I had in years, and I cherish the memories. The very last time I saw him, I went up with mom and dad, it was on a weekend. Don could barely speak, but he was conscious and aware. We were having a somewhat one-sided conversation, which I am pretty good at, just ask my steemian friends ;) and once I got tired of talking for a while, we just watched TV for a bit. That OLD sit-com was on, who remembers Remington Steele? It had Pierce Brosnan as this "fake detective", he became a character from a novella series called Remington Steele, and with the MAJOR help of the female author of the series, he began solving crimes and cases. It was a somewhat silly show, but fairly popular with the "dashing" Brosnan as the star. My baby bro was watching this and started to chuckle. I keyed in on that and said, "This silly show, and then later they made that guy JAMES BOND? Gimme a Break!" Donny started to laugh harder! So I said "Can you believe that? James Bond???" He was laughing as hard as he could, nodding his head. Apparently he saw the irony of it also. When I told our sister, she said "YOU leave Pierce ALONE!" I guess he was her "favorite James Bond" :P lmao Don and I will always have that last laugh, We both thought Sean Connery was #1. I also like the "Bond" they have now, Daniel Craig. Less of a pretty-boy, hard edged and has to work a little harder to get-r-done! I can totally relate. Don liked him, too... That was our last time together, I will never forget.

I was working at Global Studies, a new building on the Indiana University campus, the day Don died. I got sent home, with pay (thanks Johnny!) and so did the apprentice that I was carpooling with. Oddly enough, this young man, only 20 years old, had some very good wisdom for me. He had an older brother he lost in the sandbox, Afghanistan I believe. He was a great comfort at the time, and I am glad it was his day to drive, also. I saw many good friends at the funeral, some I had not seen for years. Bad way to have a reunion, but you take what you get.

I was forced to think about this today by talking to a fellow steemian. MANY Thanks to my great friend <3 I owe you so much and wish you all the best... If anyone here gets the opportunity to have a phone call, or meet in person, someone who has made a positive impact on their life in Steemit, I say JUMP at the chance! It is worth the time!

image credit: jamesbondwatchesblog.com


great and deeply personal post, steemit is going to need some type of system for those who pass on, that their earnings and such can be protected or given to family. I think some have already quietly slipped off as many don't want steemit of all places using life events to be used to write 20 posts for others to make money off of, (I saw this on someone who committed suicide on here) I also saw a "whale" posting his dead mother on here which to me is aborhhent, then doing spin offs of his dead mothers pic with him by it and mentioning his witness campaign (again that is disgusting).....however, the way you approach this subject is in a manner that others can take a note from. ;) <3

Yes indeed. My plan for 'taking care of business' is to give my son all the pertinent info on a thumb drive. Even with modest growth, steemit accounts in our range 'dolphin' will likely be in 6 figures soon. Greedy Survivors have torn families apart scrambling for much less, for sure. My son would easily share with his older sister, she's working her tail off teaching part time (sub) and doing w/e she can. Day Care, (still hope for grandkids!!!) and she was working a kitchen for some outfit for a while. Her Hubby is in sales at a large brick and mortar retailer, but they are making the transition to online pretty well it seems. He keeps making more money and promotions, I really hope it works out for him. Or better yet, he gets on doing what he went to school for... idea! He should be on STEEMIT! ;)
Profiting off of someone else's tragedy is repulsive, agreed. Talking to my numero-uno super duper bestest steem-buddy last night brought out a lot of stuff, not repressed but likely needs aired out with some writings. I mention "Johnny" above, he was my foreman the day Donny died. He sent my riding buddy and me home that day early, with pay (maybe 2 hours worth). Later that same summer, "Johnny" had an episode on the job. He was taken to the hospital. Same thing, brain tumor. Different type, and operable. Johnny lives on, thank you Jesus! I told God "I don't need this, 2 in a row?" Johnny and Donny were the same age, BTW. I saw Johnny 13 months ago, or some 2.5 years after his brain surgery. He's on disability but doing pretty well, He looks 100% but has trouble with balance and walking on occasion. He sold his big Harley, he was afraid to ride. That speaks volumes. He is iffy on driving they say, can't really feel his legs, but they work. It's a 1000% better situation, but Johnny is getting Bored ;) Which reminds me, I need to contact him soon...

When you lose someone close it's like being kicked in the teeth, stomach and head all at once. Good you met some old friends at the wake. Helps in the grief. Life is short, you got that so right. Love those that are here.

thanks Mike :) It was like a slow kick, but the day he died, and the funeral were a big release of all that grief that was growing for 3 years.

A Memento of Brother's Love, definitely heartfelt post @underground!

thank you Nick

Likewise....@underground, Thank you for inspiring us to appreciate and love more our family!

Great remembrance of your bro. Thank you for shatter and the reminder to savor every moment.

Thanks, Man...

A great post in memory of Donny clearly from the heart and so touching

im sorry for danny
your post have lot right words me to i lose my father i want time back just to see him or talk to hem few min but we cant now

I did not see enough of my brother, but I do feel like there was closure. That is good enough for me. I hope and pray that everyone is able to do that, because that is the best we can do, IMO. Sometimes that means carrying on a Legacy for the departed, but that varies widely. Thanks for your kind thoughts, @happygirl2018 means a lot...

life is once live it to the fullest :D

This means so much, Blaze. Exactly what I was feeling when I started writing it. Many thanks...

A couple of years ago I had lost my older brother "he was just 50". He died day after Easter and it was not expected. All this and I am a Desert Storm Veteran with PTSD. So anyway it had been about a year after he died and right around the holidays, anyway to make a very long story short i started checking out youtube one night while I was not in a good place. Anyway the first video under the promo video was this silver guy from Las Vegas. I thought for a second hey my brother liked silver so I watched it. The video was of this guy on the strip with a Roo. I loved the video so I watched more. He has no idea what him with that fun video did for me that night. I never told him. In fact I think I have only told one other person than you. Thanks for the post it sure makes me thankful for the little things " that really are huge". He will probably find out if he reads this lol

Thanks for your comments. Not sure if I put in there, but Don was "Just 47"... Now around the same time, before or after I cannot recall, but I purchased an AK47, and I call it "Little Brother" but that might be more appropriate for the AK pistol, as it is smaller? Maybe not, Don was my "little brother" but taller than me ;) I would like to see you post about that story, and embed the video. #SSG folks would prolly like that...

I might have to do that some day. Thank you so much for your story.

Sounds like your brother turned out to be a fine Gentleman and led a good life. Sorry to hear for your loss. I always wonder why us siblings fight up to a certain point in life. You made the right choice and did not take him out way back when. Thanks for sharing always tough to lose someone we are close to !

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