It's your choice! Choose wisely.

in #life7 years ago

You always have a choice.


Every single day we all make hundreds of choices. Starting with when we get up in the morning and ending with when we get into bed. We choose what we eat during the day, what we wear, if and when we bathe, when we leave or when we stay. Choices literally make up our day.

Sometimes it feels like you don't have a choice, like you have no other way. But the truth is that you do. You choose to continue the way that you are, or change if it is not what you want. Continuing is a choice. Quitting is a choice.



We have to choose love everyday. When I wake up and look at my son and my husband, I choose to love them. I choose to take care of them, I choose to consider them. I choose to do that again each day because I love them, and I choose to love them.

Being a good person, showing kindness and doing our best are all choices. How we treat people and who who spend time with are choices. The relationships that we pursue are up to us.

Your perception of life is your choice. You have the ability to choose to be happy, to be brave, to keep going. It is up to you! You choose who you are and who you become.


I choose love. I choose happiness. I choose kindness. I choose to continue fighting! 


Thank you for choosing to read this!



I really like your statment about this

Sometimes it feels like you don't have a choice, like you have no other way. But the truth is that you do. You choose to continue the way that you are, or change if it is not what you want. Continuing is a choice. Quitting is a choice.

That statment really best
It makes me think everything we do, whether intentionally or not, is an option

I like your post
Your post very best motivation

Thank you so much! 😊

You hit the nail right on the head with this one. You are right, complacency is a choice. Everything is a choice.

Sometimes we are prisoners of habit though, it's overcoming these conditioned habitual acts that is very hard. So when you get up in the morning you brush your teeth, you don't think and consider if you should brush your teeth today, and when you do the activity you won't be thinking about how to do it, your mind will be occupied with what you need to do today and your teeth brush themselves.
Making a choice to change a habit is the easy part, turning off the auto pilot and conciously changing your behaviour is harder. Basically you have to do the new thing long enough for it to be the new habit.
That sounds negative but in fact if you can form that habit you want over a few weeks it will start to become part of you, soon enough you will not even need to try.
You are right, we always have a choice; make the choice, commit to it and you will be successful :)

Yes, we are creatures of habit, and I bet we would all be surprised by how many decisions we make on auto pilot. 😊

I think that each day is like an empty canvas. You are the best artist for that canvas.

There are days when you miss the mark completely and paint nothing. But on few occasions you make a masterpiece - you live and die for those days!

I couldn't have said it better! We are all artists of our own choosing. 😊

Words of wisdom beyond your years, sister! I really like this one @uglysweater!!!😊 😇 😉😢😍!!!

Thank you, my lovely! 💝💝

Sometimes the choices can seem overwhelming, but I'm grateful for the opportunities to make choices. Free's amazing!

I completely agree!

Yes, always choose love. Not easy sometimes, but always, always the better option :)

I'm glad I chose to read this today. Thank you @uglysweater :)

Thanks for your kind comment! 😊

Don't be swayed, stand firm. At the end of the day, it's you who says "it was my choice".
Tough if they don't agree. Cool!

Yes! 😊
Thanks for commenting!

Agreed!!! We choose who we are and who we become.

Best motivation post i read :) Upvoted ! THanK you :)

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