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RE: It's your choice! Choose wisely.

in #life7 years ago

Sometimes we are prisoners of habit though, it's overcoming these conditioned habitual acts that is very hard. So when you get up in the morning you brush your teeth, you don't think and consider if you should brush your teeth today, and when you do the activity you won't be thinking about how to do it, your mind will be occupied with what you need to do today and your teeth brush themselves.
Making a choice to change a habit is the easy part, turning off the auto pilot and conciously changing your behaviour is harder. Basically you have to do the new thing long enough for it to be the new habit.
That sounds negative but in fact if you can form that habit you want over a few weeks it will start to become part of you, soon enough you will not even need to try.
You are right, we always have a choice; make the choice, commit to it and you will be successful :)


Yes, we are creatures of habit, and I bet we would all be surprised by how many decisions we make on auto pilot. 😊

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