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RE: Death and Dying - personal musings on how we deal with it and how that affects our lives

in #life8 years ago
None of us know for sure if we have 6 months, 6 years or 6 minutes left for sure. Why do we act like we have unlimited time?

The religious response to that question is obvious, no? ;)

But, even for the religious, this life is a gift, and thus should be cherished and lived to it's fullest each and every day.

Consider this, if you're Christian ( @stan you'll like this one I think) ...

Ephesians 3:10 (KJV) - To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

I've been told that this passage roughly means Christians* (the church) teach the (good and bad) angels (principalities and powers in heavenly places) God's wisdom through their actions here on Earth.

Sounds legit enough I guess, so I'll go with it! :)

Point being, even if you're (some would say) gambling on there being an afterlife, you should cherish this life and live it accordingly because you are serving a purpose (God's will).

For the non-religious, party in the face of death and smoke a bowl with the reaper, cuz you never know when you'll get another chance! :)

* Perhaps it means all people, I don't know. It was said "Christians" to me, but that sounds rather exclusive ... then again, I guess it is a rather exclusive religion by plan. ;)


Great answer and thanks for explaining that bible passage - I don't think I would have got the underlying meaning by myself because it's a bit opaque.

I think you are spot on - the problem is that we live in a constant state of distraction not to mention wilful denial which gets in the way of living life to the full. I have learned that the hard way through having to lose my good health in order to reach the conclusion and realise that we have limited time.

Thanks for your support. Also I know I keep saying it but it is nice to have you back:)

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