
This question is probably not meant for me but i thought i would share if you dont mind. When i lost both of my parents, i thought my world was over. I cried out to God and i was mad at him. In that moment of pain, he comforted me. I literally felt a warm embrace and instantly, that hole in my heart was filled. The pain i felt was gone. I was just reassured that i will be fine and i have been awesome since then. So...i will say this, if you want to know more about him, talk to Him. I mean....what is the worst that could happen right? Best of luck.

But you believed in god before you yelled out to him in anger, so what made you believe in god before that? (although I am interested in hearing peoples stories I do not want to be preached at so please kindly leave the preaching part out and only tell me your experiences only...if you want)

@ttanarcy Great question and no problem at all. I started to believe when I was around 15. I had heard people talk about God and I was raised in a Christian home.

One night I was supposed to go to school party with some friends. But my parents made me go listen to a speaker that night. I actually sat in the back of the room so I wouldn't have to be involved in anything. I kid you not I was the only guy around my age there. So they guy calls me up to the front. But what he said before I walked up to the front was eerie and that's what made it strange.

He said he had something for a young man. Now keep in mind, I had no idea who this guy was and had never even heard of him. So I creep towards the front of the room and approach not knowing what the heck was going on. This guy looks me in the eye and says God will use me to carry out his plans. He would use me to be an influence and uplift those around me.

I was frozen after that. I had no clue what to do after what I had heard because I was not seeking God like that.

I made a decision to follow Him and I am more convinced of his power and existence now than ever before.
Sorry to be long winded but that story was the catalyst to where I am now. The ridiculously crazy thing is that I am now experiencing on a small scale what that guy told me about. Crazy stuff man.

That's an awesome story! thanks for sharing the details. One thing is for sure, you are a positive influence on those around you. I can see you lifting people up. Have a wonderful day .

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