So where do we go from here?

in #life4 years ago


We all have more time on our hands, time to do all the things that we wanted to, but never did (as long as they can be done from home that is). We have choices to make, deciding whether or not to use this time constructively or to go down a more destructive path.

Right now, We are being forced to sit with ourselves, to really observe who we are. So, we can either judge ourselves, or we can bare witness, acknowledging and accept who we have become,( in this moment anyhow), because change is an inevitable process, there is no running away from it. There is simply no running away!

These are times of deep reflection and that can be hard for some. Especially when we are forced into situations and because of that, we may see different sides of ourselves rise up, sides that we may not be proud of, or that we have forgotten existed. How we react during these times, gives us a true refection of who we are on the inside. Having no time to prepare, only to react, then we see our true self.

We see ourselves more clearly now, as so much is stripped away, all the distractions, the things that forced us outwards. For sure we can chose to spend our time absorbed in other people's views, staring at screens and not thinking for ourselves. But in time, we each will come face to face with the person that we have become, with the parts of ourselves that have been ignored.


No matter what happens after all of this, no matter what awaits us, we need to have our strength to face it. To face the uncertainty that has been gnawing away at us. And in order to do that, we need to face ourselves first!

Everything is changing, just as it must. And yes, this change, this transition may be forced by the hands of others, but we all know it needed to happen. Pointing fingers will get us nowhere, getting wrapped up in other people's opinions, will get us no where. For so long we have needed to move away from this culture of blame and take a good hard look at ourselves.

Because we all have had a part to play, in the way that the world is today. All of us on different journeys, but now in this moment, we have all arrived at the same point.

So where do we go from here?

Do we wallow in the fear, give into our despair?

The choices we make now, these are what will define us. We decide what we give energy to, what we choose to focus on, no one can take that away from us.

Now is the time to be honest with ourselves, be honest about how we are feeling and open ourselves up to those feelings. Explore them and then, release them. We have every right to feel angry, to feel scared, annoyed, pissed off, every right. No one can take that away from you!


But we do not need to let those emotions dictate our lives, we need to just acknowledge them, embrace them and let them flow, flow out and away.

I have gone between feeling optimistic, to feeling fear for what awaits, I have my beliefs about what is going on and my many reasons to believe them and they are scary. I can choose to give into that fear, to let the worry and despair paralyse me or I can
embrace them, give them space to be, and then let them go.

I feel these things, because of the passion I feel for life,the passion I feel for our freedom and for the wildness in me that feels under threat.

But as each day comes, I find it easier to let them go, because that is not the reality I want, I will not live in fear.

I will not Create Fear.

I will embrace each moment and be grateful for all that I have. In all the years that I have been on this earth, I have had no fucking idea what would happen next, life is so beautifully chaotic and full of surprises. We are all here, until we are not.

So enjoy each moment, go and play, reconnect with that inner child, laugh until you pee yourself. Just let go, let it all go!

I have created a Patreon account so if anyone wishes to support me, please do, I will be sharing poetry and words of empowerment.

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