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RE: I care about what people think.

in #life6 years ago

I feel you @whatamidoing, it is hard to reach out to some who can be defensive for various reasons, his reaction for sure is a reflection of where he is at in his life. You just need to keep being you and in time he will see you for who you are, you have done all you can. When I first came to the community I am at now I realized how tight knit they were and it takes time to be seen for who you really are, I am not very sociable and prefer to just be gentle in my approach to others and yes in time they got to know me.

No one else can express my truth for me so I must strive to express what is true for me at all costs, while still being open to change and continuously growing.

I love what you say here, your truth and wisdom shine through, love the above especially. Much tribe love to you brother xxx


Yes, it’s just a shame because nothing is bridging me to this community except for my effort to connect with it, I haven’t gotten much on the other end and the size of the city and the fact that my main way to connect with the community right now is as a customer....means we may not make a connection in the end because I don’t plan on customer being my main role in a community.

It will all work out one way or another, it’s not like they are the only community I could connect to in the city, I just thought it would be easier because we have many mutual friends.

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