Road to Recovery - Depression.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today family and I were going home from our friends house and we made a little reroute to the park for a stroll, as I drove through the park I saw this scene and I simply needed to take a photograph. As I took it, it in some way or another it reminded me of my brothers fight with depression and hidden liquor addiction. Depression isn't usually something that can be spotted from the outside and is usually mistaken with just feeling sad and under the weather.

He was at the stage of becoming paranoid about everything, "police is after me" or "there is a conspiracy and everyone is against me" and it takes it toll on everyone around him after a while. So we did what had to be done and send him to the hospital to get checked up and diagnosed. Depression was verified and fortunately he is now recovering while being on medication.

Only time will tell how effective the medication will be in the long run, whether he has to take them for few months, years or the rest of his life.






Taken with Samsung Galaxy S7, edited with lightroom.


Beautiful picture and it reminded you of so much more. I love that sunsets can do that to us. Best of luck to your brother during his recovery. Thoughts and prayer your way. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for kind works :)

great shot. love the light rays.
my cousin has a big deppresion because of his father got an accident. he always blame himself that it was all his fault.

I am hoping for the best forcyour brother. and i hope he will recover soon, and no more alcohol.

Thank you, I can't imaging how he feels, it's sad to see those kind of scenarios :(
All the best to your cousin as well.

hecis fighting with his own mind. what we can do, is only encouraging, and giving love and care, so that he know someone is looking after him.

Yep I know exactly what you mean.
The paranoia is not helping my brother neither, he couldn't discern between what is real and not.

just hoping for the best of you and your brother.

Beautiful light! Amazing rays. Wish your brother well.

Thank you sir :)

Depression is difficult for those suffering with it and those around them also. The good thing is that your brother is being treated and supported and that he has people like you around to assist him with it. Thanks for sharing mate.

Yes I think thats very important to support them.
Thank you.

What beautiful moments you captured. Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel

Thank you :]
Yes I think that sentence fits perfectly with that photo!

Great post!

Cheers random :]

Looks like there is sunshine on the horizon for your brother, tomekkk - up-voted and resteemed mate. SK

It looks like it and hope it stays like that, thank you sirknight appreciate the support 🙂

Hope he figures it out! Depression can be horrible.

Well the support is there, just hope he makes the right decision :)

Exercise daily, eat fresh fruit and vegetables, avoid processed food and additives.

Also, walnuts are proven to lift mood.

The main thing is a daily workout. When you get your muscles working, they produce a chemical that goes to the brain, and prevents depression.👍

Really? Never heard of that, I'll pass on the info :)
Cheers mate.

Try to avoid mecications. If you can fix it naturally, it's always the best. I'm a chronic pain sufferer. It took me decades to learn how to cope. Natural healthy food and regular exercise are very important.

EAT WALNUTS DAILY AND DO BODY WEIGHT EXERCISE (push ups, pull ups, squats, chair dips, plank and sit ups).

Cheers, noted :)

You're welcome. I hope he takes up the advice. I'm sure it will change his life for the better.

beautiful post...just uovoted and followed u..plz check my blog..and follow me..

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