How I became Politically Awoken and why it is Important

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Transformed by the Truth, a story of self enlightenment

"No one can instill the truth in you, you must find it for yourself or it will not hold"
p. 4 The Lost Truth by me Dean Fougere

This is the story of how I went from a materialistically driven, Statist zombie to becoming an Author, supporting Anarcho-Capitilism, making YouTube "Conspiracy" Documentary Videos, and finally blogging on steemit. It has been a long road since I first woke up to the truth about this world, and looking back at how my story unfolded tells an important story of how we can wake others up.

9/11 Changed my Entire World View, Ten Years Later.

September 11, 2001 - When the first tower was hit, I was helping a member of the Royal Saudi Family move into his dorm room next to mine at a prominent boarding school in Massachusetts. The TV as was customary was locked up, and was never unlocked except for the 45 min break we had after study hall before lights out. Just before the second tower got hit, our "dorm parent", called us into their apartment to watch the news. I walked into the room and saw the second plane hit almost instantly. I had the same reaction the powers that shouldn't be had programmed into me and everyone else when this happened... let's get the bastards!

Living in the American Dream (Totally Unconscious)

War in Iraq, yes please. I like most pissed off and angry Americans wanted to see those CNN T.V. shots where cruise missiles are slamming into caves and trucks. I wanted the Call of Duty video games where I got to slaughter terrorists by the bucket load, and advance the interests of Democracy as I guzzled down Mountain Dew Code Red for bonus XP points. I was a typical ignorant, confirmation bias driven statist moron whose health was worsening due to the crap I was in taking both spiritually and physically. I would remain that way, not questioning almost anything; even arguing we should have put MORE troops into Iraq. All my information came from "reputable" sources like Fox, CNN etc. I had no reason to question the official narrative, I didn't watch YouTube videos other than gaming stuff, and I liked conspiracies but the totally bullshit entertainment ones like Ancient Alien stuff or Ghost Hunters. I could easily tell you the starting lineup of every MLB team, NHL team, and NFL squad, yet I could not explain the economy, I could not really explain why we were in two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan nor did I care.

The Power of Using your Freedom of Speech

One day around Fall of 2012, just a typical day, I decided to go to the gym. Got in my Toyota Corrolla S (S is for sexy because it sure ain't for sport), turned on my pump me up music, and headed out smoking some ganja. Got to the overpass that runs over I-90 the Mass Turnpike, and some crazy people were there protesting some stupid thing. If the light had not turned red I would have just blown right by them paying them no mind. However the light changed, and I wanted to take another rip so I looked over to make sure they weren't watching me. As I looked at them I saw their sign, "Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?". I thought; no what are they talking about? That night I got home and looked it up, and spent the next few weeks looking at countless videos, reading books, trying to catch up on all the information I had driven by without noticing for over ten years basically with the Richard Sherman face.

This highlights how Freedom of Speech is so important.

I would still be asleep today if not for those pesky protestors. I would still be cruising through life unaware of the nature of our government, unaware that I was eating toxic food and spewing statist propaganda. I never would have heard of James Corbett or Larken Rose, in fact had I heard of them I would have absolutely called them crazy. I mean "anarchy" really, some hick thinks that is gonna work? Who would build the roads? Guess I was the idiot after all. All it took was someone to set the spark, to ignite the fire in my mind to find the truth for myself. To not rely on others and to do my own investigation, go where the truth would take me. Well the truth took me here, to writing and maintaining this blog for crypto-currency just so I can tell the Federal Reserve to go fuck themselves whilst making alternative currency they detest for saying it. I wouldn't be protesting in the streets, I would not have a YouTube channel, I would never have written my book "The Lost Truth", I would be completely asleep hating myself and the uselessness I felt as a part of the sheeple class. I would be staying up at night eating GMO's and washing it down with Code Red and feeling sicker and sicker. With this itch, this feeling like there was more to life I just hadn't figured it out yet, so I am very grateful people had the balls to go out and speak their mind even if a whole bunch of people flipped them off and honked at them angrily, they likely saved my life from being a totally useless, unhealthy debt slave climbing the same ladder of materialism that never ends yet we all fight for position on. Now I am free to be me, to say what I believe, to live the life I always wanted but didn't know even existed.

At first the truth about this world is overwhelming and leads to depression. Finding out criminals in our own government vaporized three thousand people to just justify wars to kill millions more is well, depressing. Especially when you have been rooting these policies on for over ten years, makes you feel pretty bad about yourself at first, if you have a soul that is. Then the air of entitlement comes in, the "I am awake and therefore better than the sheeple" personality fault we all suffer from. Keeping this in check and realizing that the only difference between a sheeple and myself is someone with a sign or some other way to wake them up. To break into the box of confirmation bias we all live in. It is also important to keep your own mind open, as new information becomes available, it is important to look into it and never shut oneself off. We have to remember to try and patiently wake others up, as the truth will eventually break into their false reality. Though being an activist is not easy, the above quote spells out exactly how my family and "friends" reacted when I started speaking out and protesting.

Controlled Opposition - Alex Jones - 9/11 Controlled Demolition v.s. LENR

The first narrative that you are given for explanation of what happened on 9/11 is controlled demolition. Without a doubt everyone who came across this 9/11 information was hit first by the controlled demolition story. Only because I listen to Coast to Coast AM and heard an interview with Dr. Judy Wood did I come to realize the furthering rabbit hole of deception we are really dealing with. This three layered level of deception that almost every major conspiracy analyst does not talk about. The very truth that the likes of Mark Dice and Alex Jones have been set up to divert attention away from and by association make seem absurd. The fact that free energy exists, and has been demonstrated as a weapon when it turned 7 buildings into dust right in front of our eyes while almost no one noticed it.

9/11 Real Truth v.s. CointelPro Lies

You see it wasn't controlled demolition that took down the towers, it was directed energy weapons being powered by low energy nuclear reactions also known by the misnomer "cold fusion". For anyone who does not believe LENR is legitimate, here is a massive collection of documents proving otherwise: LENR-CANR Project. Furthermore the evidence put forth by Dr. Judy Wood speaks for itself. The fact that Alex Jones and Mark Dice still push the controlled demolition narrative is not proof they are Cointelpro, but it proves they are at the very least pushing misinformation.

The new "Alt-Right" is Government Run classic counter intelligence starring sensationalists Alex Jones and Mark Dice. These individuals who get air time on nationally televised shows, spew sensationalist, race baiting nonsense, and deny actual truth in favor of lies. They both say Sandy Hook was an actual shooting despite the overwhelming evidence that no one was killed at Sandy Hook. They both push the controlled demolition theory despite that being patently false as Dr. Judy Wood showed. They both are now pushing Trump Propaganda and are huge Trump fanboy's, if that isn't enough proof that they are Cointelpro then there is always the Alex Jones & Mallory Maroney connection to STRATFOR that has never been answered for. Also the late Bill Cooper called out Alex Jones multiple times for lying and those are must listen to radio shows. Infowars is there to control the narrative for newly awoken people, and to set them up so the mainstream media can point fingers at "crazy conspiracy nuts" to make all of us seem like we are Alex Jones fans, who is a sensationalist nut job who can't keep his cool in a debate and spews half truths.

It is important to counter Alex Jones's nonsense for three reasons. First to break people out of the idea that voting for Trump will change anything. Secondly and mainly so that the mainstream media can't paint us all in with him, to deny them the ability to "poison the well". Lastly to ensure the new minds waking to the truth are not swept up into his fan base which is just slightly less mislead than the "sheeple" they claim to be so different from despite blindly following their alternative conspiracy leaders. As InfoWars is basically capturing anyone newly awoken; they are able to script the alternate narrative and keep people from fully waking up. This has to be stopped, we have to counter their information war with this alternative media with an information war of our own. We have to take the responsibility on ourselves to do this. Or they will continue to push out fake conspiracy channels like "FisherofMen", who I call "FisherofClickBaitBullshit", who align themselves with the "truth movement" then put out videos calling Michelle Obama a man and others threatening to kill people and get arrested. Thus allowing the narrative the mainstream wants which is the new "Alt-Right" are homegrown terrorists and they can say anyone who is an anarchist is part of the "Alt-Right" and therefore just like that "FisherofMen" kid. See how that works? The guilt by association they are trying to establish for everyone who believes in anarchism or 9/11 truth? How they have created these false leaders within this "truth movement" just to mix truth with lies and spin the narrative? To keep people thinking that voting for Trump will change anything, when it won't. I have a real solution to the economy, but it has nothing to do with waiting to vote for some moron with a hair piece.

Fuck the Government

When you have completely become awoken to the reality of this world you realize there is no need for Government at all. You find your way to a platform called steemit, built completely by and for anarchistic and decentralized people who have built this awesome community together to spite government and centralization. It is great to be a part of this new community that realizes the truth, so let's be that guy with a sign protesting whatever we think is important so the next guy can be like me and find their way here. To finally be mentally free when you simply realize the Government did not grant you your rights, no one granted you anything. Every person on this planet was born with the Natural Rights that were recognized by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. The Government has not kept it's end of the bargain, nor will it ever. We have no need to keep trying this same idea over and over again. There is no need for government at all. Considering we haven't not tried, not having governments, maybe we could give that a whirl? As continuing to do the same thing over and over again with slight variations has got to be considered insanity? I would suggest giving a system of Anarcho-Capitalism a try, but hey who am I?

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comment section!

Follow me @TitusFrost for more hard hitting posts.


I absolutely agree with your perspective. Once you realize two planes can not destroy three buildings, one's view of the world dramatically changes. Thank you for your post.

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