
Overall I support libertarianism. From a practicality standpoint, I think in some instances certain individuals would take advantage of it to not be gainfully employed due to pure laziness and still expect government handout.

I think some countries would take advantage of it and could be dangerous for the US in terms of say a nuclear event.

Libertarians believe that taxation is theft. So in a libertarian oriented government, there would be no social programs unless they were voluntarily funded.

Of course it would make much more sense if you wanted to be charitable to donate directly to the individual who is in need. This way you don't run the risk of the money getting into the wrong hands, or someone that you might perceive to be purely lazy.

If you'd like to learn more about Libertarianism you can download a free audio book by Murray N. Rothbard here.

I gotta run for now, nice chatting with you @chelsea88!
Nice pics, keep up that great photography!

You raise a good point. I firmly believe taxation is theft actually. I was just saying the other day maybe the government as it is now would be surprised the generosity of "the people" of they'd quit taxing us to death.
Thanks for the compliment & nice chatting with you too. Have a great day!

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