Restoring the Liver with a Healthy & Balanced Diet

in #life7 years ago


You'd be surprised and some may call me crazy but reversing liver damage is possible. The liver is one of the many organs in the body that is able to replace damaged tissue with new cells rather than scar tissue... However, sometimes the liver gets overwhelmed and can't repair itself completely, especially if it's still under attack from a virus, drugs, bad diets or alcohol. You're doctor would never want to tell you that, because he would make a lot less money if he told you how to heal yourself at home... All healing should begin in the home it has for many many years, even before our great grand parents! Most of the diseases we deal with today are brought on by man made products and an unhealthy lifestyle. Today we will learn some great tips on restoring the liver from home, and about the foods and toxins that destroy it. This isn't an article just about alcohol by the way, some would be surprised to hear that certain foods alone can cause some major liver damage!

Cleanse your Liver with Superfoods

{Super Foods to help Cleanse and Restore the Liver}

*Apples contain high levels of pectin, plus other natural chemicals which actually support your liver and facilitate the cleansing operation.

*Asparagus is an excellent diuretic. - A diuretic is a substance that helps to promote the production of urine, and as urine is the way that you body naturally releases itself of any excess toxins, asparagus actively helps to support detoxification.

*Alternative grains can lighten the work that your liver has to do. Ordinary grains such as wheat, and flour made from wheat, contain gluten, which can be difficult to digest and is an allergen for many people. Substituting different grains, can make a significant difference. If you eat a lot of flour I suggest replacing it with Coconut Flour, Oat Flour, Rice Flour, Tapioca Flour, Chickpea Flour, Sorghum Flour or, Cassava Flour. Look for Gluten Free products, Non-GMO and Organic. As the popularity grows for these items the cost should decrease, and if you ask me I'd rather spend a lil extra now over spending a ton at the doctors office later.

*Avocados are fantastically good for your system as a source of nutrition. This renowned superfood also contains a compound known as glutathione, which is essential in helping your liver to extract toxins. - Glutathione is a compound involved as a coenzyme in oxidation–it reduces mutated reactions in the cells. It is a tripeptide derived from glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine.

*Beetroot (Beets) and carrots are another good source of glutathione that aids your liver to detox. They are also rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene, which both support healthy liver function.

*Brussels sprouts are a rich source of the mineral sulfur, and the antioxidant glucosinolate. Both of these substances encourage your liver in producing certain enzymes that can prevent damage caused by both dietary and environmental toxins.

*Cabbage facilitates your body’s production of ITCs (Isothiocyanates), another important substance that promotes the manufacture of detox enzymes. ITCs are a family of organic compounds found in tangy herbs such as horseradish, mustard, and onions. They have several patented applications including use as a pesticide, and their presence in the diet is thought to help prevent cancer in humans.

  • Bok Choy
    Also called Chinese white cabbage. Full of antioxidants and phytonutirents, this veggie really encourages your liver to create enzymes that will help in the detoxification process while protecting you from certain cancers. Add it to your salads or stir fry’s and feel good about eating it. Phytonutirents is a substance found in certain plants which is believed to be beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases.

*Citrus fruits, and particularly lemons and limes, contain boatloads of vitamin C. This boosts liver function and helps to transform toxins into substances that are them more easily mopped up by water.

*Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower also contain the antioxidant glucosinolate, the antioxidant that promotes the production of toxin busting enzymes.

*Dandelion root makes a great tea which helps the liver to break down fat. It also boosts the manufacture of amino acids, another substance essential to the detox process. ( I'am not a huge fan of the flavor, but I mix this tea with one I prefer more, so all the flavor and benefits are there)

*Garlic is a rich source of Sulfur, (an awesome detox support agent), plus Allicin and Selenium, both of which are an important aid in helping to cleanse your liver.

*Grapefruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, glutathione, and antioxidants, all of which combine to boost the manufacture of specific enzymes that can rid your body of various toxins including certain carcinogens.

*Green tea contains a particular type of antioxidant known as catechins which are well known as substances that support healthy liver function.

*Leafy green veggies contain certain chlorophylls that have the ability to absorb toxins that contaminate your body from the environment. They also help to deal with various chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides that find their way into your body system.
-We are bombarded with heavy metals everyday.. Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chemtrails around the country contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and so much more... These trails in the sky are not always the water evaporation you think it is and its extremely harsh on our bodies.
Pesticides are almost on everyone's plate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that's why I stress so hard about eating organics!

*Olive oil and other cold pressed natural oils such as flax seed and hemp, also support healthy liver function, helping to produce a lipid base that assists with the absorption of toxins.

*Spinach is another excellent source of glutathione!

*Tomatoes are yet another great source of glutathione, but they also contain a substance known as Lycopene which can help to protect you against certain types of cancer including breast, lung, and skin cancer.

*Turmeric is an amazing spice that not only adds bags of flavor to soups stews and casseroles, but it also promotes the manufacture of detox enzymes, prevents cancer, reduces inflammation and so much more, it's the super food of superfoods!

*Walnuts are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids, glutathione, and the amino acid, Arginine; all of which enhance the liver’s cleansing powers, and in particular help to rid your body of excess ammonia.

[Foods and other things that Clog the Liver & Damage it]

Large doses of iron
Taking more iron supplements than recommended can cause serious liver damage. This is because the body has no way of eliminating excess iron, so it accumulates in the organs and tissues, including the liver. Too much iron can cause liver scarring which in some cases can lead to cirrhosis, a condition where the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions. Excess iron can also increase a person’s risk of developing liver cancer. Before starting some of the superfoods listed, it's important to talk with your doctor and check your iron levels..

  • Side Notes about to much iron - Haemochromatosis is a disease where there is too much iron is in the body. It is the most common form of iron overload disease. There are two types of haemochromatosis:

Primary haemochromatosis is a genetic disorder inherited from family members. People with this condition absorb too much iron and it ends up accumulating in the body, especially in the liver.
Secondary haemochromatosis is caused by other blood-related disorders such as anaemia, or may be due to many blood transfusions, long term alcoholism and/or other health conditions.

Your Sodium and Sugar Intake
A diet high in sugar and salt can be harmful to your liver and too much salt causes your body to retain fluid. The adequate intake of sodium for adults is 1,500 milligrams a day, so it is important to read nutrition labels carefully to identify foods that have 300 milligrams of sodium or less per serving. A high-sugar diet also puts you at greater risk for obesity and for stress on your liver. Instead of eating simple carbohydrates such as cookies and donuts, choose complex carbohydrates such as whole-grains and fresh vegetables.

Fat Intake-
Too much fat increases your risk of obesity and of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. You should get no more than 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories from fat, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010. More specifically, reduce your saturated fat intake to less than 7 percent of your total calories and eliminate your trans fat intake. Foods such as margarine, cookies and high-fat meats contain unhealthy fats.

Some Animal Based Foods
A damaged liver is unable to metabolize proteins properly and break down the amino acids produced in the body from eating animal-based foods. Avoid red meat, such as beef and bison. As well, you should eliminate or limit the eggs and dairy products you eat. Dairy may include milk, cheese and yogurt. Protein is important in overall nutrition, so opt for lean meats from poultry and non-meat protein sources such as beans and nuts. You may also consider trying plant-based products such as soy milk.

Depending on the severity of damage to your liver, a chance for regeneration can occur if you abstain from all alcoholic beverages. Chronic alcoholism contributes to the onset of liver damage because it inhibits proper absorption of nutrients, forcing the liver to become toxic. Avoid drinking beer, wine or champagne as well as any form of liquor. Take note that some over-the-counter pain medications also contain alcohol, such as cough syrup. You probably already know that drinking too much is bad for your liver. But you might not realize that “too much” can happen without you being an alcoholic or addicted to alcohol. It’s easy to drink more than you think. Many glasses can hold a lot more than one standard serving, which is 5 ounces of wine (that’s a little more than half a cup), 12 ounces of regular beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor. If you drink, be sure to keep it moderate -- that’s one drink a day for women and up to 2 per day for men.

Herbal Supplements
Even if the label says “natural,” it may not be OK for you. For instance, some people take an herb called kava kava for menopause symptoms or to help them relax. But studies show that it can keep the liver from working right. That can lead to hepatitis and liver failure. Some countries have banned or restricted the herb, but it’s still available in the U.S. You should always talk to your doctor before you take any herbs to make sure they’re safe.

Soft Drinks
Research shows that people who drink a lot of soft drinks are more likely to have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Studies don’t prove that the drinks were the cause. But if you down a lot of sodas and have been meaning to cut back, this could be a good reason to switch what you sip.

You’ve got a sore back, or a headache, or a cold, and you reach for a pain reliever. Be sure to take the right amount, if you have to! A pill for your headache and something else for your cold, both have acetaminophen in it -- it damages your liver. If you can avoid it I would at all cost, this stuff is BAD for the body and eats away our liver!

Eat Organic - Eat Good Healthy Greens & Fresh Meats - Stay Away from GMO'S & Avoid Pesticides PLEASE!!

Stay Safe~Stay Woke
Thanks for Reading


Amazing article and info! Glad my liver is happy so I must do something right :)

I eat 2 grams of Spirulina and 2 Grams of Chlorella alga everyday. This combined have the same nutritional value of 1 kilo of mixed fruits and veggies. It's a good boost. I do love garden fresh veggies though, can't go without that.

That's wonderful, your on an excellent path to great health and have some amazing knowledge!!! Honestly I just prefer Blue Green Algae mixed in a cup of tea everyday in case i'm missing out on any of my amino acids, trace minerals & nutrients, proteins or vitamins.. The world gives us so many options for good health people are just afraid to try them or have forgotten about them, some have never even heard.. I put post out like this for people who have never heard of things like what you or I take :) hoping they will find their way to it slowly.. If they could just get a little more of these veggies and fruit in their diets, I hope they will feel all the goodness from it and go explore for something more. People find it so hard to believe that one little dose of something can make such an impact!
Love what you do for your health , thank you for your comment!!! Very helpful! :)

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Wait until you find a dead bat in your salad!

What does that have to do with anything...? Thanks for being a jackass.
By the way, if I'm going to eat a salad, I make it at home.. From my own garden so I don't think I'll have that issue.

Thanks for posting. Some very useful information

You'd be surprised and some may call me crazy but reversing liver damage is possible. The liver is one of the many organs in the body that is able to replace damaged tissue with new cells rather than scar tissue... However, sometimes the liver gets overwhelmed and can't repair itself completely, especially if it's still under attack from a virus, drugs, bad diets or alcohol. You're doctor would never want to tell you that, because he would make a lot less money if he told you how to heal yourself at home... All healing should begin in the home it has for many many years, even before our great grand parents! Most of the diseases we deal with today are brought on by man made products and an unhealthy lifestyle. Today we will learn some great tips on restoring the liver from home, and about the foods and toxins that destroy it. This isn't an article just about alcohol by the way, some would be surprised to hear that certain foods alone can cause some major liver damage!

good point @thefringetheater keep awesome work

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