Drowning Under Trolls - Harassment & Slander

in #life7 years ago

Another bit of the story of my life. Going off the grid and leaving the rat race behind brings you enemies. And those enemies are relentless at harassing until you cave in and quit.

When I went off the grid many years ago, leaving the rat race behind, I started to collect some not so friendly followers. They are commonly called Trolls in YouTube language. But trolls love to spread some pretty bad junk about you. They rant and rave and spew out all kinds of stuff in the hope of hurting someone.

Trolls are mostly people who are hurting themselves. It makes them feel good to hurt others. Gives them a feeling of power. Pulls them out of the hurt for a little while, a bit like a drunk can drown your sorrows temporarily.

But there are side effects to those trolls. Some people believe the lies they spread. Some people become so convinced the the trolls are speaking the truth that they join in the effort to bash you into oblivion.

With time the trolls started befriending one another. They even formed a group where they could plot and plan together. They started inventing very good and very believable stories. More people started to believe them. You see, if this person says it is true, then it must be true. Or if joe blow said john smith tried to harm his family well then it must be so. I mean joe said so.

So the group grew and got stronger. Some people decided to take the law into their own hands and went on vigilante hunts to destroy my family. They came to our property destroying things, stealing things and trying to scare us off.

Now things went from simple, harmless trolling to real criminal behavior. Now the original trolls sit back and invent great stories about me. The plot about ways to destroy me. They invent crimes and turn me in for them in hopes of one day making something stick.

But even then, the original trolls are relatively harmless. I mean sure, the authorities are always at our place investigating some complaint or charges against me. But we always come out clean. We have spotless records after all. Anyone can do a $20 check on us to find us squeaky clean.

But its the ones that are spurred on - driven to take action that are the dangerous ones. Those who feel it is in the best interests of the World to run me off the face of the planet. Those are the ones who are really dangerous.

The dangerous ones are also on the forum where the trolls gather and plot against us. They sometimes brag about their success on the forum and sometimes in other places. I have screen prints. Often the trolls will put together donations to fund a trip to our property. Its all on the forum.

But the authorities either cannot, or will not, help. You see, here is where the ironic twist comes in. You see - its on the internet - it must be all false. See the irony here.

So when my wife and I packed up our belongings to head across the States for a new homestead, we thought we would have some peace for a while. But they found us before we unloaded the moving vehicle. A purchase is recorded in town hall for public knowledge. Sadly our town was very fast in filing their paperwork. Very fast.

The harassment continued. But it also spread out.

They attempted to get my family members fired from their jobs. They plot about smear campaigns to ensure I am shunned form town. They find out which companies I deal with and get me shunned by telling their wonderful stories.

And all the while their one and only desire (so they say) is that I get a normal job. They want me to leave the internet forever. Some of the conversations are here, right on steem. I wanted them to elaborate and they clearly stated that I am to leave the internet forever.

But you see, here is another problem. I am trained in PHP programming, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social networking, YouTube video marketing and such related fields. My entire career is built up on the internet.

So I asked if they would be satisfied if I left my field of work and got retrained at age 48. They all said, yes, yes, that is what you must do.

But another problem comes, which I mentioned earlier. I cannot get a normal job really. They would have me fired in the first couple days. Nothing I do is hidden anymore.

I once cut my wife's hair hidden and secure on our property a mile from the last road. I told nobody. But would you believe that they were talking about it on their forum the next day? Yup, I have screen prints.

So I am left with trying to make a living online. They have nearly driven me off YouTube. It was my main source of income for many years.

I came to steem to make a new start in life. I did not think they would find me here. I studied and studied about this new steem community. I have learned much here. Even made a bit of money here already.

I am addicted to this community. I have huge hopes of making this one of my top sources of income.

Now one thing I will promise you. Read the comments below. You will be sure to see all the little green nasties come out here. You will see some pretty serious accusations and some very colorful stories.

One thing you should know about me though.

The harder you beat me up - the stronger I stand. I will not back down.

Those of you who read this can help me by giving me a vote up. I am getting 10 down votes for literally every single comment and post I write now.

I need your help!!

Please give me a vote up. Help me win this battle.

Dont engage in the discussion with them. I dont want anyone to take on their hate. Let them continue to spend their energy on me. I am tough. But others are not so tough. I have withstood this over 5 years now.

Help me with up votes.

Thank you.


I have followed Reid since 2012 and have come to the conclusion that he is every bit the fraud his detractors say he is. WARNING !
Deal with him at your own peril

Ahhh, "Harassment & Slander"...Well, I am here to confess I AM the INDIVIDUAL that contacted t-beggar's former LandLady (the 79-year old Ms. Wright) by phone when he was listing the Pine Bush property for sale for $200K on Craigslist.

As I had left a phone message, she called me back and I found Ms. Wright to be a spritely lady of bright acumen and a real estate agent herself. When I asked about the actual owership of the 56 acres t-beggar was selling for $200K on Craigslist, she informed me SHE was the owner and t-beggar had nothing more than a "rent-to-own" contract and thus the land could be bought for the REMAINING BALANCE of that contract in the amount of $175,000.00. I pointedly asked if t-beggar would be any party to the closing proceedings of the sale and she emphatically told me he would NOT aside any monies realized beyond the "rent-to-own" contract value. At the time, she was UNAWARE t-beggar was trying to sell the property and lamented to me about her NOT having a current Real Estate license and thus could not avail herself of the 3-6% realtor's commission that might be realized by any sale. She even mentioned paying the fees necessary to take the tests anew and get re-qualified as a registered RE agent in NY state.

She AGREED to my having an identified representative do a proper search and inspect the documents about the proterty as well as a physical property inspection as well. She was quick to admit there had been some "tire dumping" allowed in previous years by her now deceased husband but that she had "...not been back there..." since t-beggar had agreed to the rent-to-own contract. She further affirmed the area would be made to be in the "...same condition as before t-beggar took up residence..."

She agreed that, if I chose to pursue purchase of the property, she would instantly agree to continue a right-of-way agreement so that the 56 acres would NOT be land-locked and thus inaccessible. She also affirmed ALL hunting rights would be listed as property assets to the sale.

The conversation ended with a firm agreement of review by my legal team with the County & her position and whatever outcome that might bring.

This is the ONLY documented contact anyone has ever made with the TRUE landowner of the 56 acres Troy Reid has identified as the person with which he had executed a "Land Contract" for purchase of said land.

To my knowledge , there has NEVER been any harassment of the "...80 year-old woman..." t-beggar speaks of.

Land contract is a legal, binding document of ownership. NOT rent to own. Look it up. Its on google.

And you did make that offer, as you state.

The poor lady is still holding out for your call. She passed up all other offers.

We both lost money on that.

Again, look up land contract. Both parties must agree to the terms of sale.

But again, thats on google.

Hi Troy
Welcome to Steem. All the best for the future from a friend in the Netherlands. Don't forget to ignore the trolls and leave dealing with them to the LORD! I would not even comment on their comments, whatever they say.

Thank you. Well, sadly the reason their numbers grow is because I did not defend myself against their accusations and many people believed them.

Granted, very unstable people but those are the dangerous ones.

I just hope steem gets a block function in place soon.

I mean, you have seen their comments? Would you leave them unanswered?

I got swatted down hard by a higher steem account on one of my articles because the trolls called me a liar on there. He up voted all their comments slandering me and down voted all of mine, believing they were right and I was in the wrong.

How sad it is for you that you can’t block on here. You only have a few intellectually challenged people left that still believe all of your lies. What I can’t work out is if YOU actually believe the lies you constantly spew.

@thediyworld, Sadly, when YOU do things like accuse an entire group of people on a website for vandalizing your truck, with no proof by the way, and vandalizim that makes absolutely no sense, you should expect to have problems.
You should be very careful who you call "unstable" as well.
Playing the victim with everything does not suit you.

Not only did he call you a lair but he/she has the info to prove that you are lying. So dont complain when your caught in a lie.

You know your supposta answer everyone here Mr. Reid, even if you don't like the questions, this is how steemit works, I guess it goes by honesty and you have had major problems telling the truth since you came on youtube.

As many people have commented, your "proof" area is sketchy at best and mostly made up. The biggest claim most of you have against me is that I blocked you on YouTube.

Such cry babies. Grow up and stop harassing us just because I blocked you.

Leave the internet and we will disappear

Well thank you for telling the World your demands.

I was trained in online work. This is my field. My career.

And you are demanding that I retrain and get a new career at age 48 right?

You stay we stay its very simple.

If you don't like it stop crying suck it up and act like a man.

You said recently that your job is youtube so your trained in this field, well your doing badly then, if you can only generate 6k views in a few months and other site with 100k subs generate 6k in hours, I would say your not doing good are ya.

And yet again I never demanded anything it was a statement, just cause you lack the general English language dont blame me if you can't understand.

Were still friends right?

@thediyworld, I agree Mr. Reid. My only advice would be to stop complaining then if you refuse or are not able to fix your situation, what ever the case being. Blaming others is irresponsible.

Ok. Lets make a deal.

You guys stop harassing my family and I will stop complaining.

Then we can all be happy

Tolls are trying to stand on eggs... lol

This infantile rant is a work of fiction. No one has trespassed on his properties. Troy Reid is a pathological liar, continually repeating the lies that have been countered many times. All of this is done to help garner sympathy and donations by well meaning people who don’t know they are being suckered by a career con man. All this to avoid getting a JOB.

Google pays my pack check. I dont need sympathy. This article was only to draw you guys and out show the World what I am dealing with. Seems to have worked well too.

so you and your friends from .sucks deny it and accuse troy of lying again, but you have all proven by your comments this is true what troy has said ,
look at the comments ,, troll after troll.
lol . troy setting up on steemit was a good idea as it is now proving that you trolls are put there trying to tell him what to do, and proving yourselves that .sucks is full of lying trolls,
now troy needs a group set up, with php scripts to record and log the users names and ip addresses so we can trace you trolls.
and these details should be given to trollhunters groups so we can help trace them and make them public

you don't have to go to all that trouble PM me on .sucks So the others won't know who you are and we can set up a skype chat and I will show you my current drivers license it has my name and address on it and you can show me yours, I don't care what thediyworld does, other then him lying , scamming and taking advantage of people like you.

I'm sure you don't want your info all over the web for the same reason I do, you can even pass my info along to thediyworld.

Troy has made a career out of explicit and subtle ebegging on youtube. Now he’s begging for upvotes on steemit. Pathetic.

I must say I'm concerned. Can you shed light on this video statement DIYworld? I don't want to be attacked by you DIY, just sharing my experience and wisdom. Do NOT attack!


careful... of docs-cunter he's a sly mother fucker

So he is smarter than Troy?

but campervanelvis sir you are using a fake account on steemit and working for .sucks.
why would he want you as a friend ?

I am not sure. Everything on steem is open to the public. I checked out his comments and they are all over the place.

WTF is Dork on about, I am a member of .sucks but I don't work for them. Similarly if I want to turn in T-Monkey for something I don't seek their permission, I am my own man unlike you Dork who works for a looser. What I do in my own time is up to me and what I do to Trog is my business and no one else. Do you comprehend you brainless piece of TR's mouse shit?

[-]thedarkdestroyer25 · 10 hours ago
WTF is Dork on about, I am a member of .sucks but I don't work for them.

======= then why are you on here ??
you are doing what they want you to do .

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Hey you. Mr robot go get a virus by clicking on the dirt bag the do it yourself world dot com website

Yes, because as you guys are so boldly proclaiming, you are sending them packets of information containing lies to turn even my own church against me. If I can find that screen print I will post it on my forum with the rest of the evidence I am gathering on you guys.

@thediyworld, YOU said "even my church thinks I am lying".
That came from your mouth in one of your videos. It was the video where you were losing views and said you "needed to stop repeating yourself so viewers don't get confused".
What you read somewhere, and what is actually happening (or not, in this case) is not the same.
Please show proof of this packet.

That is because, as you guys are proudly proclaiming, you are spreading a smear campaign against me in my own church now as well.

Bet you feel good about yourself huh

@thediyworld, I do not understand this. Shouldn't your church colleagues know you personally as opposed to what is written by strangers in this packet you mention?
If you are a good Christian, you should have no problem.
You waved a bible around (with a camouflaged cover) in a recent video of yours.

BTW, a good Christian DOES NOT LIE.

Well, as you know, when a group of people stand up as false witness against another, single man, people tent to believe the group.

The did execute Jesus in this way didn't they?

@thediyworld, sorry, I do not know of this "group of people" you are referring to.

Oh. Good for you :)

I would like to see that, cause it never happened, come on big boy show us the proof

Its on your beloved forum. I do not bow to the demands of trolls.

@thediyworld, Please show proof of this packet you mentioned.
Thank you.

Well here you do not know who is a troll and who is not, so you better be nice if you want to keep your ratings.

The steem it community can make or break you, and since you got this new attitude, I'm guessing its not going to go over well.

Were still friends right?

You can't cause it never happened in real life it was the voices that you hear that told you it happened, and guess what those voices lied to you

why have you trolls blocked out some of the words he says in this video ? 37 secs to 41secs ? what are you trolls doing , again you have edited a vid to make it sound like he has said some thing that he has not, again you edit to twist the truth,
why do you do this trolls ?
because you cant find the real truth? so you have to keep twisting things for your delusional lies

Oh, but they said the dont edit my videos. hmmm, interesting huh

But he is wacked, the boy belongs in a nice padded room in a nut farm

really thedarkdetroyer ?
then why do they always go away and not arrest him ?
because they also know its all lies caused by .sucks group.
they go and see him because they have to , but they then talk and leave him alone.

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.

lol .sucks is full of backstabbers, and the trolls on there are to thick to work out which are the 140 members are there gathering evidence of their lies and lawbreaking, [ and they have been there for a hell of a long time.]

dont forget there are laws that state that the ones on there causing trouble are accomplices to crime.

Who needs to gather something thats already right on Google?

I can't mediate this troll issue with people throwing around big dramas like this. I just looked over on their site and its pretty funny stuff and stuff

Wooooooo! The kings has spoken beta boys!!

Its not funny stuff when you are the subject of the harassment.

These guys come to our home. Harass us, vandalize the property, steal.

They spread lies to turn others against us and spur them on to attack us.

The set me up for charges and crimes I did not commit in hopes of one day making something stick.

They turn me in to any and all authorities in hopes of getting me into trouble one day.

If that all fails they harass the authorities in hopes of making them do something to me just to have peace.

No, its not funny at all.

Not a bit.

Its NOT harassment if its TRUE
You said you have cameras on the property, Show proof that people are on your property.
People set you up for charges and crimes which crimes and what charges? show proof...
It proves that Troy is full of HOT AIR, Troy has cameras for his fake off the grid show yet cannot produce a single lick of proof that people are on his property. I have yet seen a single picture of anyone trespassing. Troy said he has hunting cameras all over the property yet it shows zero results, why is that Troy, oh wait its cause you made it up for drama.

You need to get a job take care of your wife and Chris's child, cause we all know your impotent.

You really need to come up with proof of the vandalize the property, steal. We live no where around you and really your not worth the gas or the plane ride.

Actually Michigan is a dump, thats why you property only cost 30k, if you lived in a nice state that property would cost well over 500k

We don't have to set you up for crimes you do that yourself like when you used the 5 finger discount and stole those blue pallets from behind a store, those blue pallets are reused, they are put outside to be picked up by someone with in that business not stolen by you and Chris.

Of course we report you, no doubt when you dont see the error of your ways maybe the justice system can teach you not to steal.

  1. Its NOT harassment if its TRUE

  2. You said you have cameras on the property, Show proof that people are on your property.

  3. People set you up for charges and crimes which crimes and what charges? show proof...

It proves that Troy is full of HOT AIR, Troy has cameras for his fake off the grid show yet cannot produce a single lick of proof that people are on his property. I have yet seen a single picture of anyone trespassing. Troy said he has hunting cameras all over the property yet it shows zero results, why is that Troy, oh wait its cause you made it up for drama.

You need to get a job take care of your wife and Chris's child, cause we all know your impotent.

Dork, what you doing over here, shouldn't you be over on scumbags channel holding skanks hand?

If you are so squeaky clean as you say...go get a fucking real Job, for god sakes you asshole, you have a wife and child to feed. You contradict yourself when you say the trolls have ruined your reputation but go on to say that for 20 anyone can do a back ground check and find nothing on you...

"But even then, the original trolls are relatively harmless. I mean sure, the authorities are always at our place investigating some complaint or charges against me. But we always come out clean. We have spotless records after all. Anyone can do a $20 check on us to find us squeaky clean."

ohh look the trolls are getting more and more angry because our plan is working and calling out the lying trolls from .sucks and they themselves are proving that what they have been denying about themselves is really true.

Wow that guy has quite a story. But it seems way over the top and exaggerated. To actually think internet trolls were hiding in the woods miles from the last road only to report they seen him cut his wife's hair? That sounds whacked. Plus this person thinks the trolls followed him from 3-4 states away? Seems way too far fetched. I smell tall tails being told.

Whats going on beta boys! The King has arrived in the middle of these internet troll matters Woooooooo!

People know I've battled my own internet trolls for years! Living in my beautiful Lisa Marie, the royal chariot, I get my share of interlopers that want to bring down your king of freedom

I will mediate your disagreement with these trolls for you! I'll do a live han gout and settle whats going on really. Give it my best shot, that's the bottom line. I also have my awesome food reviews coming and cooking inside the Lisa Marie, the royal chariot! So there's that and stuff.

Peace out my peeps Wooooo Love and prayers brothers and you BBWs out there!

Considering your lifestyle you most likely have suffered some attacks. I started out in a camper myself and built my way back up.

I would not advise you get in the middle of the fight though. These guys are not your common internet trolls. They are out to truly destroy my real life and not just on the internet.

You said you would NOT leave the property a crap hole while you were on it, just go back remove the filth you left behind, and do right by everyone and we will leave you in peace. Do right by the old Woman that let you live there, other wise you look like a snake and we will follow you everywhere.

You said you would NOT leave the property a crap hole while you were on it, just go back remove the filth you left behind, and do right by everyone and we will leave you in peace. Do right by the old Woman that let you live there, other wise you look like a snake and we will follow you everywhere.

And, as you know, if I show anything from your site, you guys get it taken down. But why should I show something that is already there anyway for all to see?

This clown spews nothing but lies Codge . For once Troy show some proof whereas sucks. has plenty of your falsehoods on record .
Folks this idiot was badgered not only from sucks. members but his own subs to show proof he was in the army . He finally came up with the goods " BUT " hid all the important information . How were you discharged from the army Troy ? It wasn't an " Honorable Discharge " you would have shown that .
This fool hides behind a bible and preys on the elderly . Check out " thedoityourselfworld.sucks " and see the total destruction of a once beautiful meadow this man left behind in Pine Bush N.Y. . He claims to have been forced to move away from that place when in fact he couldn't continue the payments " AND " the tiny house had so many building code violations he wasn't allowed to live in full time . The fool had plenty of time to fix these problems but did nothing .
Just full time whining , complaining and hinting about things needed is this moron's job . Does everything halfassed and in some cases dangerous . Almost 50 years old , got stung by a bee and had to call mommy for help . LOL .
Troy " Donate " Reid would screw up the day of the week if there wasn't a calendar . The hamster has fallen off the wheel here folks .

You looking in the mirror when you talk?

Cause all we do is make videos of our daily lives.

If you dont believe it, fine. Just leave.

But you have no right to harass us like this.

Its FREE YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment.

Its just entertainment.

Dont like it. Leave.

Do you hate on your TV like this too. Because its a real fantasy world on there. Not much on TV is true.

Must anger you so much huh.

@thediyworld, If someone is calling out the lies of another, it is not harassment.
Just because you say "it's free entertainment" does not excuse you from being deceptive.
You own DIY category YouTube channels. These channels should be credible and truthful considering you do not use disclaimers stating otherwise.
Otherwise, if what you wrote here is true, then everything you film and say is all make-believe, a lie, all for entertainment of course.

Your channels are not the same as TV either.
Your statement about TV is only to deflect attention away from the real issues.

Oh, the real issues are becoming quite clear to the public I think.

I make free youtube videos. If you do not believe me and think I am a liar, who cares.

Just move on.

But it gives you no right to harass us.

You forget you must once again show proof that we are harnessing you, how from asking questions, this is a forum for asking questions, its what steem it is about.

You still have not answered our questions about your videos, why do you post them and not want to answer questions about them?

Youtube is not free to watch, you have to watch the advertisements during the videos so actually its not free, but then again I use ad blocker when I do watch and dont actually watch your videos on youtube I watch your videos on a knock off version of Youtube so you dont actually get my views. Sorry but thats how much we hate your content.

Now why would we leave this place is great the steem it people are really nice, no one curses, its a second home to .sucks now. And we get to keep an eye on our little buddy ( you Troy ) Thank you so much for inviting us here.

Funny you should bring up tv, I got rid of tv and cable tv 2 years ago, and thought what am I going to do with this 40in tv, well I turned it into my computer monitor, its great for most videos, not yours cause you do not post in HD but other channels do.

Troy we are not angry not so much, we people from .sucks just want answers, we ask and you ignore as usual, I think your actually angry. Are you mad cause were here and decided to stay?

Oh, so you, yourself, are paying for the ads that are playing on YouTube? I had no idea.

You prove your dedication to harass my by your own words. You hate my videos but yet you watch to learn more about how to harass me better.

I do not bow to the demands of trolls. So I will not answer your questions. Especially since you ask the same thing again and again when all the answers are in my videos, which you saw.

I'm confused troy. You invited me here from your yt site and now you are being an ass. If I didn't like you I would leave. But since I like you I want to explain each time you screw up or lie or beg or steal. You would do the same for me I hope. Remember all the gifts I sent and toys for baby cat? That was money from my paper route and it doesn't come easy for a 82 year old man. Straighten up or I will leave.

This clown spews nothing but lies Codge . For once Troy show some proof whereas sucks. has plenty of your falsehoods on record .
Folks this idiot was badgered not only from sucks. members but his own subs to show proof he was in the army . He finally came up with the goods " BUT " hid all the important information . How were you discharged from the army Troy ? It wasn't an " Honorable Discharge " you would have shown that .
This fool hides behind a bible and preys on the elderly . Check out " thedoityourselfworld.sucks " and see the total destruction of a once beautiful meadow this man left behind in Pine Bush N.Y. . He claims to have been forced to move away from that place when in fact he couldn't continue the payments " AND " the tiny house had so many building code violations he wasn't allowed to live in full time . The fool had plenty of time to fix these problems but did nothing .
Just full time whining , complaining and hinting about things needed is this moron's job . Does everything halfassed and in some cases dangerous . Almost 50 years old , got stung by a bee and had to call mommy for help . LOL .
Troy " Donate " Reid would screw up the day of the week if there wasn't a calendar . The hamster has fallen off the wheel here folks .

the total destruction of a once beautiful meadow this man left behind in Pine Bush N.Y. .??
where are the pictures of this ?
all the pictures on .sucks are screen shots taken from his videos when he lived there, there is not one picture of the site after he moved out of pinebush.
again as normal for ,sucks its another thing that has been twisted to tell lies. thats all people on doc sucks can do is twist the truth and lie and bully.

I know you hate doc, I get it, I still like you. You seem like a reasonable person when you told him to keep his daughter of the internet, To many David TJ Hansen's out there.

Anyway here you go

I know you will all thumb me down for this because its a set up. Prove me wrong and dont thumb me down.

I see a fire wood pile I had just dropped off quickly. (We cleaned all that up). I see laundry hanging out to dry. I see my truck by the house.

You guys are good at getting the perfect camera angle to show all the "filth".

Also shows the World that you are on my property all the time.

Your a scum bag you came to that property when it was a beautiful meadow, very pretty now look at the crap you left behind for a poor old 80 yo woman to clean up, You should be ashamed of yourself, Didn't your parents teach you manners or respect your elders. and you left that property a shit hole and you wonder why people follow you and make you life tough, its cause you shit on old people every chance you get and damage their property.
It serves your ass right to be followed and have people dealing with you know the truth about you and your ways.
These people at .sucks are doing a public service keeping an eye on you. I hope you are held accountable for your past.

Lets say someone you let on the property after signing a non-disclosure took the pictures and sent them to us, now you just have to figure out who that was.

Well, then after signing a non disclosure agreement, they are in violation of that agreement aren't they.

Yes, but we are not saying who they are...

So actually till there is no violation cause you have no clue who violated it.

As long as your in the dark and we say nothing, basically theres nothing you can do, is there?

@thediyworld, What good is a non disclosure agreement?
It only protects you from your filthy secrets and deceptions from getting out.

you idiot, you took the pic. I saw it in YOUR video. You constantly claimed you were in the process of cleaning up in fact do you remember the cleanup saturdays when you got free labor to do it for you? Problem is you never really cleaned you just kept adding to the junk. Claiming this was a newly delivered pile of firewood is a bald face lie. You only moved your shit around and never cleaned it up. Just filled up the woods with your piles of trash. Its on your videos, I have never been to the dumpsite so you are the one that showed me the dump. Remember when I sent all those gifts to you and all the toys for baby cat? You never once mentioned my name and it was inside each box. I cried for days every time you neglected to thank me for the used underwear and gently used toilet paper.

Your a scum bag you came to that property when it was a beautiful meadow, very pretty now look at the crap you left behind for a poor old 80 yo woman to clean up, You should be ashamed of yourself, Didn't your parents teach you manners or respect your elders. and you left that property a shit hole and you wonder why people follow you and make you life tough, its cause you shit on old people every chance you get and damage their property.
It serves your ass right to be followed and have people dealing with you know the truth about you and your ways.
These people at .sucks are doing a public service keeping an eye on you. I hope you are held accountable for your past.

I have already stated in another post that this was from when thediyworld lived there. He filmed this to show the world how he cleaned up, it was much worse.

Please take me to court, for any reason you would like, bring any evidence you have.

those NDA of yours are null and void, Because that Lawyer of yours was a Fraud.

I do not fear you, Truth is on my side.

My apologies Docs-Hunter that last post was not directed towards you, again my apologies for that. and a good day to you sir.

Maybe this will get you some views, but it won't help you, it just proves that I'm Truthful, post your evidence, we are still waiting, thediyworld your video.

That was while he lived there, here is some from craigslist. )

So, you are saying that while some other people have been living there for 7 months, you are going to put it all on me?

Those are all pics from B4 you moved out and left an 80 year old lady to pay to clean up your toxic illegal garbage dump...

make your minds up you lot, either the property was sold or not , if it was sold then its not down to troy.
the cabin for starters . its not troys problem, if the buyer wants it moved its their property and should move it,
if they cant afford the truck to move it then they should not have moved it in the first place.
its like buying a car and cant afford the insurance etc then blaming the seller for it.
and all i see about it being left for a 80 year old to clean up is the words of .sucks. where are the pictures of after he moved out ?
i remember some of those on .sucks talking about harassing that same lady to get troy moved ,
at the end of the day its down to some of the .sucks clan why all this happened in the end.
we all know, [ if you think about it ] that troy ended up moving because of the bullies on ,sucks ,
so once again, .sucks is passing the blame onto troy for the problems that they have caused.
as for the mess . it was his land ,
you accuse him of scrounging ,
he makes/made money out of other people's rubbish so that he could eat etc , [ there is a old saying - one mans rubbish is another mans money ]
sorry folks but every thing troy do . .sucks members always have another reason for it.
i dont believe a word any more of what is put on .sucks - why ? because they cant stick to facts. but twist everything around,
and they wont see anything that says otherwise.
if there wasn't accusations on everything he do, and proper evidence was given, without edited pictures- screenshots- videos= and hearsay=
they are just bullies.
people who hate or dont trust other always spread rubbish, its a fact of life,

its also known in the troll-hunters group that at least one person that actually knows troy is on the .sucks group. they are the one that told you lot where troy was moving to and that he cut his wifes hair, among other things ,
and they are being traced, and will get their karma.
they are also to blame for the problems where troy lived, they are the ones that caused the damage and erased the footage from the cameras.
it was their ip address that gave them away. and thats why that person didnt want to be seen on troys channel.

the craigslist posts and dead chicken are from months after he abandoned them on the property.

I will have the barn wood pile and boat for you shortly but he left this too.

to be honest with you troyried.diyw the one with the dead chicken ? i dont recognize the chicken wire cage or blue post so maybe a video showing it ? one of troys vids ?
the other question is , how long after troy moved out was this meant to have been taken ??

Yes thediyworld Abandoned all that stuff, he claimed he cleaned it up as per his land contract.

But the land owner who he breached his contract with has posted this stuff for free on craigslist, to attempt to clean up the mess he left behind.

nobody lives there now, because just as he never was allowed to live there, they found out, despite what he claimed when he swindled them out of 5,000 dollars for the shack, they cant live there either.
They also found out, despite his claims , the shack is immovable.

these were meant to be on the 3rd of june ?
i would believe it but they dont have the proper date of the advert in the screenshot , why was this left out ?
these pics mean nothing to be honest with you , to many unanswered details have been removed from these, they could have been weeks or days before troy even moved out.

BTW We never take anything down from our site. Everything except the funny gif's and cartoons are all a product of Troy W Reid. All clips from his own youtube videos and comments.

Investigate for yourselves. You be the judge.

I am sure the comments here will show people quite enough.

True, but really you do not come out smelling like a rose.

You accused but you never back it up with any kind of proof

Your going to be known as a cry baby cause thats all you do here...

Put up or shut up with the proof

I do not bow down to the demands of trolls. Anyone can see for themselves on your beloved site.

We never demanded, we asked, there is a difference, now just cause you don't understand don't blame us.

Our site is very friendly, and we answer any question posted, you however would block us if we asked you questions on Youtube, and or you skrited around question,

If the steem it community came on to youtube and started asking you question we are asking you here admit it you would block them as you did us.

We have nothing to hide, can you say that?

@thediyworld, Prove that you are not a liar.

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