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RE: Update, Month 2: Still Engaged with an Increased Stake and "Growing" ...

in #life6 years ago

I think that you are far ahead of many who join steemit in your journey. The fact that you are thinking about balance in life and how to make steemit work is something many don't bother to do and instead will dive all in. Then turn around and way to soon make a snap judgement that their time investment wasn't worthwhile and they leave.

Problem is steemit growth is much more like a couch potato becoming a marathon runner. It can happen, but the first steps involve a lot of hard work to see almost no results. You might have to start off walking a mile (some even less) and then work up to a walk 5 minutes, run 30 seconds, walk 5 minutes, run 30 seconds. Then from there you increase the run time or increase the length of the workout. But it's all baby steps to work your way up to being in shape enough to run that marathon. If you tried to just go run a marathon after sitting on your ass for the last 20 years odds are you'll end up in the hospital.

So starting people need to understand their efforts are not going to yield great results right away. But it's the relationships that are built over time that yield the long term success.

As for those pesky bots, you just have to learn to ignore them. Consider muting some of the more annoying ones so you don't see their comments at all.


Thank you for adding value to this post @thedarkhorse. I really appreciate that! 🌄 up here, and "stopping in" for quick bit of "curating," before heading off to my "day job" ...

"... like a couch potato becoming a marathon runner ..."

Got a big laugh out of this. Classic! I am closely acquainted with a professional triathlete. 'It could happen" ... 😉

"But it's all baby steps to work your way up to being in shape enough to run that marathon. If you tried to just go run a marathon after sitting on your ass for the last 20 years odds are you'll end up in the hospital."

I like the illustrations you have provided, like this one. No doubt a voice of experience and a definite "reality check," for those willing to listen. The central point you make here is one that is already "under construction" in my upcoming "Adding Value, Chapter 2" post.

Gotta fly now. Thanks again @thedarkhorse.

Have a great day!

No problem and glad to add value where possible.

Like the way you pull from other people's posts and takes their thoughts to make your point. They always say that Stories Sell and Facts Tell. Think that by using the words of others you are adding more credibility to your thoughts and allowing others to see that you aren't the only one thinking this way. Added bonus is others see that you are actually reading their content. Very smart!

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