Is there more to life than just being happy? And what matters at the end of life?
Hi folks, how are you all doing? I was browsing the internet yesterday and for some reason, I came upon this question again - is doing things for the fact thay make you happy the way to go about having a meaningful life, or is there a different way to it? In today's world, our culture is obsessed with happiness, but is that the only way?
This Ted Talk helped me gain a different perspective to life along with providing some answers to the question that I have posed above. I would like to share it here -
It felt quite good to know that what I believed about giving meaning to life was reaffirmed in this talk. But from this, a second question kept coming to me: ultimately, what matters?
A friend of mine recently asked me what song would I like to hear when I am dying. We were discussing music and artists like Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree and the like. I thought about it for a second and replied "Comfortably Numb", one of the all time Pink Floyd greats.
But I remember that I was asking to myself that when the time comes, what would matter to me and what wouldn't? If I had to become comfortably numb, something had to matter to make it a good finish.
From the above Ted Talk, I found my way to this another well put, brilliant Ted Talk by BJ Miller. It gave me an answer, although its nowhere close to being the complete answer to the question. Here is the link to this eye opening and thoughtful talk:
I hope you enjoy these talks as much as I did and it will give you a different perspective on some important questions of life. Excelsior!
Yes and happiness pays too, just have to work with your mind. Nice one;)
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Yes...making others happy...
I feel good.
Very interesting, good post and I like, hopefully the next post better with a more perfect idea. follow me @pojan, Upvote and give a positive comment for me.
cool post. ever listened to matt kahn?
Thanks. No, I haven't listened to Matt Kahn.