
If only half the people in the world could behave like this, the world would be a much better place. We should learn a lesson from this.

Das ist die schönste Weihnachtsgeschichte, die ich dieses Jahr gehört habe.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass das Gute, was von uns ausgeht, in irgendeiner Form später zu uns zurückkehrt. Das gilt natürlich auch für deas Schlechte.
Die Buddhisten nennen diesen Prozess "Karma".
Deine Belohnung besteht sicher in weiter steigenden Krypto-Kursen.
Ho ho ho .

That is such a powerful story @theaustrianguy that shows that all you do has effects even the small gestures as saying hey, smiling etc... I'm gonna up my game in giving unconditionally... thank you for the inspiration!! :)


Sehr inspirierend, zu sehen, wie kleine Gesten eine große Wirkung haben können!
Ich wünsche ein frohes Fest! :)

The world needs more ppl like you!

This is a wonderful job we often did when we did it because we wanted to do it

Wow thanks for sharing this story, always great to hear about some positivity when there is so much of the opporsite online and in the news. New here and just having a look around Steemit, seems like a nice place.

Hey @austrianguy. More blessing to come and as always #payitforward
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year mate

In our time full of hatred, we need people like you :)

That's awesome, Martin! The husband must've been very humbled to offer that sort of money.

Merry Christmas and keep up the great spirit 😀

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