A Better Tomorrow

in #life6 years ago

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Every few decades or so, an outlier comes into the world and introduces an invention that it set to revolutionize an entire aspect of human life.

Armed with a brilliant mind and unshakable will to change the world, they inevitably end up leaving the world a better place than the one they were born into.

Some of their projects succeed and changes the lives of an entire generation, some remain long after they’re gone gone. And every once in a while, one of those inventions go on to change the course of history.

Take Gutenberg with the printing press, or Bell with the Telephone.. Or even that forgotten genius from history who invented indoor plumbing.

It sounds funny I know, but can you imagine if we’d still have to go outside everytime we need to pee?

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You know when they say that the best ideas always come in the bathroom? Now, think about how many of these ideas would’ve been lost had the private bathroom never been invented.

Then maybe all those geniuses would’ve been too busy looking over their shoulders preoccupied by whoever is watching them poop, while they could’ve used that time to devise all sorts of really awesome ideas that we can all enjoy.

But let’s jump back to our subject, and not because I’m losing the thread, but because I can’t believe that I just wrote an entire paragraph on toilet activities.

The Right Side of Time

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They say that there are more scientists and engineers alive today than in the entire human history combined. Which presumptively explains why we have such a hypersonic innovation curve compared to any other time in human history.

Even for us it’s hard to catch up with the speed of developments sometimes.

You finally get the hang of a certain technology and they’re already presenting you with its 2.0 version.

Now I know, there are many factors why we are blessed with so many game-changing inventors in our era, such as the increasing demographics, which means a far larger pool of geniuses to choose from.

The life expectancy is much higher now, and people no longer die by spider bites or get attacked by a snake whenever they’re doing their business in the forest.

Throwback moment to the toilet invention we mentioned earlier.

More importantly, having free time to invent was rarely a luxury that other civilizations could afford as they were busy trying to survive.

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Let’s face it, you’re much less likely to work on your revolutionary app when you’re busy running after some wild giraffe while competing with 14 different hyenas who also called dibs on the poor prey.

And that’s a normal Tuesday. On a bad day, the big surprise comes when you realize that that pack of hyenas are actually hunting you, and not the giraffe.

But you get the picture, we live in the lucky era.

So all of these geniuses, scientists and engineers that we have can actually focus on their passion and attempt to create life-changing technologies. Because thankfully, there are no hyenas anymore.

And the few that are left you usually find in the parliament or the central banks.

There is however a new emerging threat that is trying to distract the most prolific members of our species from being productive, and that’s internet trolls.

Armed with a functional keyboard and a staggering amount of frustration, those trolls would stop at nothing in their quest to distract people from doing anything constructive.

“If I’m not doing anything with my time, so why should anyone?”

Take the latest avalanche targeting Elon Musk and the Tesla cars for example.

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Some people are seemingly outraged that a Tesla driver was caught into a traffic accident, using that as a pretext to “prove” that Tesla cars are a failure. Some went further and are even calling for the banning of the Tesla models because of that.

As if it was the first car accident in human history.

But here’s a funny question?

What do these people think caused the tens of thousands of traffic accidents we have per year?

Were they all caused by horse-riding accidents?

Because you know, emergency rooms are filled with wounded equestrians.

Jokes aside, attacking the Tesla cars because a driver got into an accident, is like attacking Amazon because some crazy person beat their lover to death with a brand new copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.

It doesn’t make any sense.

But then again, the quibbles were never about logic nor common sense, but rather the instinctive need that some people have to bring people down, especially those at the top.

All the benefits that Tesla bring to the table, introducing alternative energy sources - as opposed to bombing people for oil - and all the other advantages take a backseat to their main goal, which is character assassination.

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This isn’t a new phenomenon by the way, you can observe this in all sectors and all industries.

Take the blockchain for example, many people try to ignore all the benefits it has already brought and all the potential it still has, and instead, they just sit down and focus on predicting its demise.

Ironically, the often do so while drawing parallels to “the dot com bubble”.

They do entire segments on how they predicted the death of the internet and the dot com bubble. And then when they finish, they upload the video on the internet.

Quite the funny paradox I must say.

Ten years you’ve been posting on YouTube and not once you’ve notice that after the letters “youtube” it says “.com”.

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Like many previous inventions in human history it’ll have its ups and downs and people will predict its death a thousand times, but sooner or later, it will change the world for the better.

We don’t know how it will all evolve or how fast it’s going to take hold on the public, but there is one thing we know.

There will always be people who will try to distract everyone from building a better tomorrow.

And when that happens I hope that you remember, that without those outliers and their inventions, who knows if we would still be running after that giraffe.

Embrace the Innovators, Don’t Fear them.

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Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8


Science only believe in revolution, innovation only means better future now artificial intelligence will be taking place in our day today lives making our work more easier and transparent

Personally I don't know much about A.I or which stage of development they are, but I do agree with you that science and innovation seem to make our lives much easier decade after decade.

And I hope it continues to do so :)

Great post @the-alien - you certainly covered a lot from early man inventions to the funny plumbing sidestep and more including the main point I suppose - Elon Musk.

In my opinion Elon is a very rare breed of present day and future innovators, scientists, researchers and geniuses all in one..

Tesla certainly is getting an awful wrap lately with the accident by the Tesla car and lately production delays - lets not focus on production delays people - lets focus on the amazing technology that is lifesaving packed into the final product. Rock on !!

Exactly, plus he has a lot of other projects that he's busy with Solar City, Space X, the Hyperloop, those satellites to bring worldwide wifi... The guy is clearly driven by making the world a better place and solving problems for humanity.

Trying to invent one life-changing technology isn't easy, the guy is trying several at the same time.. I can't agree more with you, we should give him a break and let him focus :)

Thanks for the awesome comment!

Anytime man - I'm def guilty of being a grown man 'fan-boy' of Elon.. Sometimes I'm just completely baffled how one man can be achieving so many revolutioning advancements through companies he started from scratch, how he has time for endless talks with different types of world industrial leaders, talks to congress, to students, to really finally getting society in the US at least to really start getting excited again about Space and Space Travel - even I if some people don't even know they are excited. Putiing pressure on NASA to up its game and helping NASA via its contracts to deliver payloads to the Spacestatonj. And more..

Rockets that can go into temporary orbit sending shuttles, payloads, satellites, and cars into space..All while returning to Earth to be reused again after landing on a dime at any coordinates chosen - sea or land..

Sorry for the tangent lol - I could talk for days about Mr. Elon Musk - The hyperloop is one of his projects that most intrigues me personally personally

Haha I think we're all extremely curious about how he handles all these projects (some of them no one has attempted before him) and balance it all and not only that, but succeed.

Even Paypal that he co-founded with Thiel grew to massive proportions.

And don't apologize for long texts, I like to write and read as well :) I'm also intrigued, I just don't know how he does it. :P

Right, but Elon Musk hasn't invented anything.

He took his car plans from a book written in the 70s.

However, he has done something spectacular.
Something that you or me could not do in a thousand years.
Build cars in Kalifornia without the environmental agencies shutting you down every other day.

You can't even get good paint in anything larger than a quart in Kalifornia.

Anyway, all inventors have to face huge push back from society.
Society doesn't want to change.
Just look at crypto currencies.
They are already far safer and easier (and often cheaper) to use than credit cards, but most people do not even want to learn the first thing about them.

Also, look at the fight between Tesla and Edison.
Every real invention has to put up with huge push back.
Yes, it would be so nice if society would look forward to change instead of being DEAD SET against it.

Haha good point, he won the war against bureaucracy! :P

Oh man, the resistance of change! I remember a few years ago seeing a presentation from Andreas Antonopoulos where he was sharing how long it tool society to accept new innovation that made their lives easier.

Apparently the move from candles took 50 years, credit cards took decades as well to get acceptance... People apparently preferred to wait in line all day rather than to accept change.

All I hope is that sooner or later they will accept cryptos like they accepted any new tech that made life easier, and I think that some day down the line they would.

What a great post. You are really about that "There will always be people who will try to distract everyone from building a better tomorrow.".

There are some peopls like that, they will try to distract you not to achieve a better tomorrow or for you not to be bettee than them.
I really draw some meaningful life quote from this post, i love this post and i must commend you for writing agood post.👍👍👍👍👍

Thanks a lot for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the great comment!

The phenomenon of false outrage is really a concerning one. It is a sad consequence of our overly judgemental system

Oh that's such a great point. I never really understood that phenomenon and I think about it quite often actually. Hell, once I even wrote a short comedy about it :P


It's like people just want to judge others, and in doing so they pick on the smallest insignificant things they can find, and get extremely outraged about them.

It's fascinating I believe.. And more than a bit creepy haha.

Great input btw, thank you!

innovation is the future now and that's how the world will roll upto time to go beyond limits :) wonderful post once again :D

Thank you for the awesome comment once again! :)

Yeah we can't stop innovation, and more importantly, why should we? It's like enjoying a roller-coaster only that we don't know the ending :P We just trust it will be a great ride haha.

it's very interesting this blog fanny story Like many previous inventions in human history

fear and paranoia ... the bread and butter of u.s. culture

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