
I'm good. Thanks anyway.

I do love you and I do care about you. Maybe I don’t remember every single thing we talk about. But I just want you to know I’ll always be here. Waiting for you to come back to Cali. I may not express my love by dropping everything and everyone in my life to move across the country for you but that doesn’t mean the feelings aren’t there. I’m sorry I’m so fucked up.

Love means you'd do anything to be with someone. You don't love me. Not even close. LMFAO. Loving me would mean moving across the country to be with me. THAT'S love. What you have for me is a desire to not be lonely, a selfish desire. You don't love me, you're just sad you're lonely again. Fuck off.

Well then I have really deep feelings for you. If I was just sad I was lonely again I wouldn’t be still talking to you. Because I know you’re not coming back anytime soon. Don’t forget that you also said you loved me. But doesn’t seem like you would do anything to be with me. You’re just telling me to fuck off

I OFFERED FOR YOU TO LIVE IN MY HOME HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT LOVE? ARE U KIDDING?? Seriously, Fuck off Tiffani. I'm done with your bullshit. I THOUGHT I loved you, but once I saw that u ACTUALLY DON'T love me.. That all got cut real fast.

You didn’t ask before you left. You asked when you were already back in Florida. Just because I said no doesn’t mean I don’t love you.

No, I told you about the fact I was going to be getting a condo in Pensacola before I left. I offered for you to come move in with me. And yes, that means you don't love me. You clearly have no clue as to what love is. Stop commenting on my shit. Goodbye.

I’m not like you. I don’t know how to be on my own. My family would never support me if I just left. You know how some of them treat me already.

Yea, my point exactly. Your family is fucking trash toward you already. You NEED to get out on your own.. It's not doing you any good to stay at home and never branch out. It's making you weak and pathetic. You wouldn't be lonely if you actually took charge of your life for once.

And the way that you’re treating me right now is what I fear the most if I were to move out there with you. I want to be loved. Not treated like this.

I'm treating you poorly cuz you won't just fuck off. I told you I don't want to talk to you, but here you are continuing on. Fuck. Off. Tiffani.

You didn't get treated poorly, EVER, when you were with me. We RARELY argued, but you acted like every convo we had was an argument, and it simply wasn't. You SAY you love me, then I offer you my home and to be with me, but you refuse it.. NOT love. So just fuck off Tiffani, you're right I'm not going to be all sweet to you right now. You're spewing a bunch of bullshit that I'm tired of hearing. Fuck. Off.

Because being blocked doesn’t say “I love you”. When you talked to me like this and told me to fuck off all those times it seemed like we were fighting. I would go home crying and you would swipe through tinder again. I didn’t ask for you to be sweet to me rn. I just wanted to say I’m always here for you. Someone to talk to. Doesn’t mean we have to be together. Maybe you did love me maybe you didn’t. I would love to move in with you but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m scared. I don’t truly know if things would work out between us. And then what if they didn’t? I would just come crawling back to California with my tail between my legs and back into my family with no money and no job and they would all just be disappointed in me. Maybe they wouldn’t accept me back.

Ok. Stop replying please. Thank you.

I don't need people to talk to, but like I said, thanks anyway.

And your inability to ever leave your comfort zone is why you're going to be stuck where you are in life. You think I had any clue as to how things were gonna turn out when I moved to California? No. But I spread my wings, again, and took a leap of faith and trusted that things would work out. And they would have, had I not changed my mind about being close to my daughter. I had a job that was going to pay me more than my last job did and I was going to get benefits and time off. I could STILL have that job if I call them and come back..

Fact of the matter is, you're scared of all of that because you've never TRIED to be out on your own. You let fear control you Tiffani.. Which is holding you back in EVERYTHING you do.

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