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RE: For the first time in my life I hit another car today.

in #life7 years ago

I live in snow country, when it is winter time. Something that many people don't know that I think should be taught in drivers ed is how to stop when it is slick out from snow or ice. It won't prevent 100% off accidents but it will prevent the majority of them when you start to slide if you do this.
Throw your car into neutral it will go into neutral from drive or reverse without having to depress a button or pulling it forward (depending on the type of car) and if you are driving a manual then if you go into neutral it slows the spin of your tires and by tapping the breaks (don't slam on them that will cause the slide to get worse) it will bring you to a stop. Since I was shown this trick I haven't had any winter accidents. (Thankfully I had been lucky and they had always just been one car slide off accident type things.)


Great advice! Thanks. I have a manual car. So neutral and tap breaks?

there are benefits to being married to a former racer.

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