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RE: Is Ego Getting in the Way of Your Happiness?

in #life7 years ago

Wonderfully written post as usual and so true in what you say, I used to have an Ego on overdrive and will fully admit it, to be honest I cannot say exactly what caused me to change, I cannot say there is one thing or a group of things i did to bring my Ego under Control, well and my temper which used to also get the best of me often led on by my Ego I suspect

If I really thing about it I think it was a slow change when I happened to spend time in some post war zone and semi still war zone countries ravaged by fighting and saw the harsh conditions people were living in, I think it al helped me to put many things into perspective and naturally led me to change my ways

I am not saying i have no Ego or anything like that but I do like to feel it sits quietly hidden away for the most part for me these days


Witnessing or experiencing trauma or extremes of hardship definitely humbles and provides profound understanding.

Thank you :)

Yes that I have to agree with that
Something's I wish I couldn't remember but it all lead me to be the person a am today

Exactly. I have had far too many traumatic events for my young life, but, if I hadn't had to endure them I would not be, well... me!

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