What an Idiot I'm when the School of Heavy Blows, Had to teach me A LESSON?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I used to be young, of course I'm even younger now, after 15 years...I believed in myself & thought I'm the bravest, the smartest, the most intelligent person in the world. Nobody was better than me...I was eight World wonder in perfection, in my own eyes.


That superiority habbit brought me to "superior" behavior towards everything & everybody...In one moment of my "superiority madness, I thought, I'm better than God"...
What a fool, I was...

In one moment strange things started happening to me as I started having strange pains in the area of my back, lower vertebra...I went on all possible examinations and all Analysis were perfect...and still I had horrible pains.

Luckily, they lasted & stopped for a longer period and would start again. In 2002, after New Year, they started again. Real hell. In one moment I fainted and the next moment I woke up, I was in hospital, totally paralyzed...I could only move my head.

Ooh, that was horrible...Trully, unbearable for me. The words of my closest friend were: "Don't Worry, everything happens for good reason".
I thought:"God found me to practice happening by good reason....Oh, Nooo, I don't want that. I'm Ms.Perfect"...


My friend, who knew me well, one day said: "How can perfect person bring imperfect results? How can you be sick, if You are perfect? If law of Action, Reaction is true, than Perfect Action, Produces Perfect Reaction and You have Imperfect Reaction...that would mean Your Action was bad...!"
Although, It hurt, I admitted Myself, He was very much right.


I said to myself: "What an Idiot I'm when the School of Heavy Blows, Had to teach me A LESSON?"

I added: "Never again, perfectionism attitude...From now on, every time I look myself in the Mirror, I want to see improved me, improved personality and character!!!"

Attention: Don't Become caught in so-called perfectionist or victim attitude...If so, the FAMOUS SCHOOL OF HEAVY BLOWS WILL HAVE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON...

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Yes totally agree got to live on balance and respect our bodies to not burnout, but at the same time got to take the hits life give us learn and stand up again. Glad you are well now 🙂

This remembered me of Rocky Balboa saying

Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give... it's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward

Yes, but let us become brave and choose to Accept less Hits with our Good Action that will manifecture Excellent reaction...More Intuition and Less Mind Listening


It's just wow. I am so impressed by your writing.
I come to your blog daily I see all of them, read all of them. But I had to say this, this post is just amazing.
Well the story the conclusion, it's amazing.

I feel the same that we are never perfect, there is always a scope of improvement, evertime we reach somewhere we see someone else better.

We should keep changing our target and try to go to our limit and do our best.

Thanks a lot for sharing such a beautiful story

We win only Together

You are always very attentive reader...Soon You will be on the Top, now You are on that Way...

"I'm better than God" -because of this thought only LUCIFER(the angel) was thrown out of heaven by GOD.this sentence resembles PROUDNESS that makes a person to fall down in his life.

Yes, this is total state of craziness...Awfull...👿

Superiority comes from ego, ego comes from feeling insecure. Those people think, only by feeling superior to others, they will be on top, they will keep the control. Actually, opposite is happening. More ego, more things to grow you ego more and more, and that will lead to madness in the end.
Its beautiful when people became aware, it brings more peace. I wish peace for you. Namaste.

I have nothing to add...that's it😊

Thank you for recognizing my point.

It was brief, but it was heavy and very impactful.

Am still looking for the right words to describe how i felt reading!

Thanks for sharing!

The thing that is really hard and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.

Yes, this is also truth...

Perfection is just an illusion, thank for the reminder

Oooh, Yes...The Power of Illusion...

wow Awesome, I think that every day we should strive to achieve what we want, but always trying to be better people, not believing more than others, people with an attitude of perfectionism only keep others away from them.

Yes, you are right 😀

Follow neswup @tatjanastan


Good job

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