Top Key Methods to Fight StresssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lifelast year

Write down your circumstances and problems, whether you're stressed or not. Prioritise and calm down before facing the situation. It's not wasted time—you'll be more productive and less tired. Calm crises are more profitable than stress crises.

Preventing stress is easy. No need to drastically change your approach. Consistency and simple fixes to boost you when you're down are key.

Why not treat yourself for 30 minutes a day instead of complaining that you have no time? What can thirty minutes accomplish? Nothing, you'll say. Think again.


Get air! Breathe and clear your mind. Stroll through your favourite shops, stop at the florist to buy a bouquet, walk on the beach to watch the sunset, chat with your neighbour, take some time for yourself, and this weather will help you "recharge the batteries" and better fight stress.

What if you start a chapter of your novel on a pretty shaded square bench? Are you going to watch the world from a café terrace? Close your eyes and release...

Organise to relax.
You scatter to respond to urgent situations under suffocating pressure. You're late for appointments, work late when you should be in bed, skip lunch most days, and seem exhausted and out of control. Stop! Organise and time-manage.

Prioritise and set achievable goals. List urgent, secondary, and non-urgent tasks. Recognise urgent from important. Delegate, plan, and stick to your schedule at home and work. Finally, set time limits to avoid overflowing.

No stimulants for stress!
Using stimulants like coffee, tea, tobacco, or alcohol to manage stress is unhealthy. You know and struggle to get rid of it. You're addicted and can't stop. Even if they calm you, they contribute to stress. The tree often conceals the forest. Bulimia and other addictions are used to compensate for a deficiency, insecurity, or psychological suffering. Craving follows pleasure. You start again to combat anxiety. Totally vicious.

You may need help with withdrawal. Over time, gentle therapies can reduce stress.

Play down to relax.
It's legitimate to feel stressed in certain situations. It quickly boosts your mental and physical abilities. However, if you worry about yourself and your family, imagine the worst, or feel insecure, stress will be difficult to manage.

Reduce it. Listen to your body and heart, understand what drives you, express your suffering, and have confidence. Not easy. Solutions exist. Sophrology, yoga, and meditation can reduce stress. These sessions will help you balance your emotions, negative thoughts, and stress response.

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