Blog: Today I went to the hospital...

in #life7 years ago

Today I went to the hospital. Not for myself but to accompany my mother for a routine checkup. Now that I have finished my internship, I have the time to tag along. So, today was the first time I met the doctor responsible for taking care of my mother. He looked and acted very friendly. I feel that I can trust him with my mum’s wellbeing.

Today, she did a routine blood test, weight check and blood pressure check. The results of the blood test were not released yet so it’s hard for me to say if the blood tests say anything.

Then, we had a consultation with the doctor and he explained to us to the progress of the tumours in the brain and lung based on the MRI scans done in January. It was noticeable that some of the tumours had grown so she had to be taken off her prior medication. So, she currently is on Immunotherapy with a drug called Keytruda (Pembrolizumab). It is too early to tell if this drug is working as it was administered very recently. The current side effect is mainly tiredness. Because of this, my mum currently has very low energy.

The doctor prescribed some medication to help with her other pains and to help boost her appetite. She was lost a bit of her appetite so that could have also contributed to her weight loss and tiredness. Hopefully, her appetite will improve. If she eats more, I am guessing she will be less tired.

I decided to read up on Keytruda. Apparently, it has a 40% survival rate for 655 patients 3 years after administering. Even though that number is low, it is better than nothing. Apparently, this drug was even used to treat Ex-President Jimmy Carter when his cancer spread to the brain. He seems well off now!

The way Pembro works is that it removes the immunity that cancer cells naturally have. You can think of it as an invisibility cloak that makes it so that white blood cells do not target them as a foreign body. Pembro breaks apart this shield, making it so that the body’s immune system can attack the cancer cells.

I really hope that this drug works and the side effects reduce over time. Because if this doesn’t work, we may have to opt for chemotherapy. And even though the doctor says that the latest version of chemo doesn’t have many bad side effects, I would still think it would colossally suck compared to previous treatments.

I will be honest. I am doing my best to stay positive but having someone this close to me going through this is emotionally taxing. I am scared but I am being as positive and as hopeful as I can be. I need to be strong so that she will not worry. I am praying to any god out there who is willing to lend an ear. Aside from that, I know all I can really do right now is just to be there for her. Every day is a blessing. Every day is a miracle.

Later, I will be following her to her physiotherapy. Hopefully, the therapist will help relieve her muscle stiffness and pain. I think it is important for her to increase her mobility and muscle strength. This is so that she doesn’t lose more muscle mass and, in doing so, lose any more energy.

Has anyone you've known gone through this sort of medication or any similar kind before? Do share your experiences with me.

Always remember that any argument that you have with your loved ones, any conflict, they can be resolved and they should be resolved. Stay with loved ones. It doesn't have to be a ticking clock that reminds you of your limited time. Every single life is on borrowed time. Never miss the chance to spend that time while you still can. You never know when you eventually run out. That's what I am doing, taking each day at a time.

My advice to anyone ill is to be strong! Be strong for yourself and your loved ones! Sometimes, life deals a really bad hand but it is important to play it through. Mind over matter makes miracles happen. Be confident that you can beat this!


Thanks for the update on mom Sean. Really appreciate it. Truth be told I dare not ask but "stalk" mom's FB. :p

My 2-sen on being "strong" based on my own experience. Here's what I learnt when I was ill...

  1. Instead of bottling up, a good cry now and then helps to release the angst eating me up inside.
  2. Keep the faith. It helps to pray and cry to God too :p
  3. Repeating Psalm 23 calms me down.
  4. Putting up a strong front so as not to worry others does not help. It gets to a point it's tiring to see anyone and pretend all is fine. "Physically present but actually not there." Ended up seeking professional help.
  5. Everything happens for a reason and only on hindsight do we see it is always for good. (But while walking through the valley of darkness, it was hell.)
  6. It's a journey to learn to let go and surrender everything to God for God knows what's best for us.

I think the above is also recommended for those affected by their loved one's illness -- You, my dear Sean, in case you didn't get it. ;)

Praying for a positive outcome for you and family.

Let Nothing Disturb You.jpg

Thank you so much :)

There was a time in my life when my father was diagnosed with kidney failure and he had to undergo dialysis. I remembered feeling very down when I found out about his condition. I had worked for years and finally saved up enough money to take him for a nice holiday abroad, only to receive the bad news. 3 years after the diagnosis, he passed on.

Reading your post, reminded me of that incident and yes, you are right. Life is fragile. We are indeed living on borrowed time. And we never know when we could be the one to meet our Maker.

I pray that you will be strong and courageous as you journey with your mom in her battle against cancer and be the pillar of strength that she needs. And may He grant you His peace as you learn to lean on Him.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world --- John 16:33

I am so sorry to hear about your father. Yeah, life is fragile. We need to love each other a little more as we never know how long we will have!

I hear you mate. And will pray for your mother's recovery.

I know a number of people i know personally now who is going thru the phase. Its not easy but like u said, we have to be the positive one for them to see hope.

Most of the time i wont talk to them abt it at all and divert to other things. To some talking abt it will just make it worse.

But inside, I never stop praying to God

Thanks for your prayers. It is never easy but we need to carry hope! Yeah, aside from the facts, I don't really talk much to my mother about her illness. Instead, I focus more on what's on TV haha.

hey man .. hope for your mum's speedy recovery

Thanks for your wishes

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