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RE: ADSactly Personal - Tell Me Your Scar Stories (And I'll Share Mine)

in #life7 years ago

I've only ever had one scar, and it's not a particularly interesting story. I got it as a young boy, and while I'd love to say that I got it from horsing around as young boys are wont to do, the actual story is far less interesting.

Specifically, I was tasked one evening with taking out the trash. While taking the trashback out, the top of some metal can tore through the bag and bit into my leg, leaving a large bleeding gash. I of course had no idea what to do accept for one simple idea: you need to clean any open wound. So I immediately drew a bath.

So here I was, sitting in the bath for about a hour trying to wash this cut out and wondering why I was still bleeding. I finally decided I should probably tell my parents what happened, starting with my poor mother who I damn near gave a heart attack when I showed her the wound. My parents dressed and bandaged the wound since it was too long after to really go in for stitches, resulting in the only visible scar I have.

Not a great story, but a story nonetheless.


It is a great story, thank you so much for sharing.

I'm glad I could. Not exactly a chestnut I get to reveal that much.

Huh, at least they didn't see the bathtub, full of bloody water, with you in it ;)

Why do you think my mom freaked out so bad? I was sitting in the tub for like a hour and called out to them from there.

after about 6 months of arguing with my ex-wife about whether I would join the army or navy, I was wanting to go ito the Army and she wanted me to join the Navy and the day that I finally agreed to join the Navy I grabbed my skateboard, went to the skatepark and probably broke my kneecap into 3pieces. I now have about a ten inch Scar down my leg over my knee cap and pieces of broken metal from the surgery 20 years ago. That is my wonderful first story. when I was 34 just before my 35th birthday I had Diverticulitis and my colon ruptured and now I have another 10 inch Scar straight up my belly from my pelvic bone to about 2 inches past my belly button and another three and scar on the left side of my belly from when I had a colostomy bag for 5 months. TaDa! moral of the story never agreed to join the Navy, and don't eat wheat... I did however find out that I was born with one kidney

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