The best things in life are free
We live in a society where there seems to be an understanding that spending is power. You have the newest car? Wow. You have the fanciest house? More wow. You have all the most fashionable items at hand? Yeah, you must be successful!

But how can money buy happiness? Yes, it does relieve pressures and stresses of paying bills on time, worrying about where your next meal will come from and planning for the future if you're lucky enough to be able to put money aside every month. At the same time it doesn't. If you constantly imagine that life is a dark puddle or that everyone is lesser or more than you are, how can you be happy even with an unlimited cash flow? To me, happiness means success. Winning at life.
To some, the daily grind of 9-5 means hell, but to others who enjoy what they are doing it can be something to look forward to. I met a man the other day who was planning on working with his hands for the rest of his life, and although it may not bring in lots of money, it seemed like it was part of what made him enjoy life. Why then do so many people just put up with hating what they do?
I believe it partially is because we are told to strive for more all the time. No promotion? You must be doing your job wrong! Never mind that the person in question likes their job and doesn't want to manage more tasks. If they don't earn more, are they even powerful? For families, kids will want what their friends have, which quite often is the newest phones, newest clothes, coolest things. This will also make you feel like you have to strive for more and more money, even though it doesn't make you happy. You wouldn't want to let your kids down, now would you?
But the items and fancy clothes don't last. What does last is values, attitude and togetherness, and looking at what you have instead of what you could get in the future.
Personally, I am the happiest on days when the air is just cold and crisp enough to put a pinch in my cheeks, when I see the sun bursting through a canopy of leaves, when I'm having that first bite of something I've been looking forward to eating (Hello, avocado and halloumi salads!) and when I'm feeling wanted and appreciated.
I think the most powerful people are the ones that see the best in you, the ones stay by your side and encourage you to go after what you want without jealousy, the ones who want to make the world a better place by making you believe in yourself. Those things can't be bought. They're free, and it doesn't matter who you are, what you earn, what you can buy or what connections you have. Power is kindness, generosity of spirit and positivity.
Money does help at times, but happiness is ultimately free.
Well said...
Wow, damn. I couldn't have said this better if I tried to. I am certainly following you!!
Well said while I would love the extra money to make my life abit easier I am in no way expecting millionaire status out of life.
Money gives you more choices which I guess we all want, although some of the most beautiful people I've met have been relatively 'average' in income or low income. I would definitely be afraid of taking things for granted if I had a load of cash!
Bravo! Couldn't agree more with these sentiments. Often we pursue money because we get into a habit of consuming more and more. And choosing to buy less is just as valid a solution to this problem as trying to earn more.
Yes, the culture of making the best out of what you have and fixing clothes/items instead of throwing them away seems to have vanished into thin air! Using less = Better for the environment too. Win/win! :)
Potential opportunity to do good with the help of money a lot of.
And if you want to make the world a better, you must to succeed in life.
Money = higher volume of potential people to help... But we can all make someone else's life better without money if we try! And then another person and another. We gotta start somewhere! :)
You help people every day, and I, and many more. Most are not even aware. However, you can bring great benefit to having a great opportunity. )
I loved this! And you are totally right, too many people focus on bringing others down, while we should encourage people, and you're right, happiness is free :)
Happiness will maybe more difficult to reach when we won't have anymore oil.
Nice one, upvoted! You may like mine which has got the same message :-)