My Stories #24 Tsum Tsum Fever 😍❤️🎉【生活小確幸 #24 Tsum Tsum 袖珍抽屜!】

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi my fellow Steemiams! 🌹


Last time we paid a visit to the Beijing Bell Tower, did you like it? :) Today I’m super excited to tell you that I got my new FAVOURITE toys: Tsum Tsum Drawers!! 😍😍 They are one of the BEST Tsum Tsum designs I’ve ever seen! Wanna know how they look like and how amazing they are? Then let’s get started!!!

上次我們一起參觀了北京鐘樓,大家喜歡嗎?:) 今天我很興奮地告訴大家:我拿到我的期待已久的精品了:Tsum Tsum抽屜和擺飾!!😍😍 它們是目前為止我見過設計得可愛有趣的Tsum Tsum產品!!想知道它們長什麼樣、有什麼用途嗎?那就快看下去吧!!



This is how that look like putting together❤️:




Let’s look at Winnie the Pooh as an example! Each drawer is attached with the head and bottom of a Disney character :)) HOW CUTE!!! 😆

就讓我們拿小熊維尼來做例子吧!!它們可以用來做裝飾,每一個上面都有一個迪士尼角色的頭或屁股 XDDDD 太可愛了!!😆


Each drawer is made with a small slot of the size of a finger. This allows us to pull out the drawer with ease! 🌹 HOW CONSIDERATE!!



The 3D character at the front can be used as the knob of the drawer. They are not only cute, but functional!! 😍The size of each drawer is 7cm X 7cm X 7cm. You can put jewellery, stationery or snacks inside!!

抽屜上的3D Tsum Tsum角色可以用來做抽屜的把手。它們不僅很可愛,還很實用呢!!😍每個小抽屜有7cm X 7cm X 7cm 那麼大。你可以裝首飾、文具或是零食進去哦!!


There’re tiny dents at the top 4 corners of each drawer, which can be locked with the 4 fitting protrusions on each bottom corner tightly! This allows us to stack them up easily 🎁!! DID YOU NOTICE THAT for drawers attached with “head” knobs, the graphic of its corresponding “bottom” is printed on the drawer body while for drawers with “bottom” knobs, there’re “heads” of the same character printed on the drawer body??? How special they are!!!! 😯😍

抽屜上面凹進去的部分可以跟另一個抽屜底部突出的部分結合,這樣我們就可以把它們緊緊地疊起來啦!🎁大家有沒有注意到:在有著3D「頭」 的抽屜上畫滿了這個迪士尼角色的「屁股」,而在有著3D「屁股」 的抽屜上則會畫滿這個角色的「頭」!!好特別的設計呀😯😍


If you remove a knob from the drawer and assemble it with its other half, you get a cute Tsum Tsum figurine!!! 😆🌹 I JUST LOVE THIS “COMBINATION GAME”!!!!

如果你把抽屜上的小公仔拿下來然後和它的另一半拼起來,你就可以得到一個完整的Tsum Tsum 玩具!!! 😆🌹我太愛這個「組裝遊戲」啦!!


You never know what you’ll get until you open the box as it’s randomly distributed!!



There're 6 characters available (Alien, Lotso, Winnie the Pooh, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Stitch), meaning that there're 12 drawers in total: 1⃣️2⃣️




Look how adorable they are!!!!! ❤️💛💙



If you're also interested them, please feel free to tell me!!! 😆



Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️


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Hey that nice drawers, how funny that the butt is also included in the 3d. I see you have the complete collection and when distributed randomly it should not have been easy.

Hahahah indeed!!! Cuteness overload and I just can't handle that cuteness LOLL!! Yup I've spent a longgg time collecting them and I'm really glad you like them too!! Cheers :))

OMG, just at a shopping centre today which has this.

Omggggg that’s Tsum Tsum!!! A HUGE pair of them! Sooo cute! 😍 what a coincidence!! 😆😆 Are they mid autumn festival decorations? XD

Yes, kind of unexpected too.

hahaha Disney's invaded Chinese traditional culture!!! ;ppp

How old are you, may I ask?

Posted using Partiko Android

As same as your baby boy😌 I’m acatully his classmate! Yesterday he told me at school that you wouldn’t buy him a Tsum Tsum Drawer set and he hates you! 😠😠

Wooh Stich and Donald in my opinion are the most cutest)) It is great that you have full collection!

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha indeed! I LOVE Donald Duck too!!! Thanks and I’m really glad you also like them!! :)

送隻比ME OK?





Posted using Partiko iOS


Beautiful collection, you look very pretty in the photos, thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot :)) My pleasure!

it is beautiful story! thanks

you are cute girl.So lovely.

Thanks!! :)

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