The Moment The World Will Never Be The SamesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

That lightbulb moment.

Lightbulb Moment
Image Source

The one everyone is chasing.

The one idea that will get you out of whatever troubles you find yourself in.

It is like winning the lottery.

But even better, because you were the one to come up with it.

The moment when you have a break through idea.

The moment when your life has changed forever.

You had some vague thoughts, but now it is clear.

You know what to do next.

The wheels are turning.

You can put your plan in motion.

All you have to do is start.

And that is where the record screeches.

Record Needle Scratching
Image Source

What do you do once you have that million dollar idea?

How do you execute?

How do you close?

The problem is that we all are chasing a dream.

We all want life to be better.

We want things to go our way and we want to have a part to play in it.

But life doesn’t always work out that way.

So what do we do?

Instead of being concerned about missing out on that “once in a lifetime chance”, we need to work on creating those chances.

That’s right.

Those lightbulb moments where an idea comes or everything starts to make sense, you can create them yourself.

But it’s not easy.

It takes effort.

It takes time.

It takes commitment.

But that cost is too high for some people and that is why they never achieve more than what just comes their way.

Is that how you want to live?

To just accept whatever comes your way and then blame life for dealing you a “bad hand”?

Or are you willing to do something about it?

Willing to make a change.

Willing to leap.

To go for it on fourth down.

And you know what?

When you do you might be afraid to fail.

Don’t be.

Because you will.

Not that it is glamourous or good, but your failures will make you stronger.

They will hone your skills.

They will filter your mind to know what does and what does not matter.

What is worth it?

What should you spend time on and what should you forego?

What would the world be like if you never take a chance?

I think you know.

But what will the world be like once you do?

We are all waiting to see what great things you can do!

Join us in the creative side of life.

Tune in next time for more great content!


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because being creative is fun.

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