Creating Cash In Just A ClicksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago

When I was a kid there were vending machines for cigarettes.

Camel Money
Image Source

And smoking was allowed in restaurants.

I am not sure you can call them the “good o’le days”.

When I got older I found out that they used to have something called Camel Cash “C-Notes” which were attached to packages of Camel-brand filtered cigarettes. These certificates were redeemable by consumers for various items of merchandise listed in catalogs.

All I ever collected were Kool-Aid points.

But these “alternative fact” forms of currency made me think about cryptocurrency and its place in the world of finance.

The other day while walking into the grocery store with my wife, I pointed over at a branch of a major bank.

“The reason no one robs banks anymore,” I began, “is that there is no longer any money in there.”

She knows I always make statements such as these and wasn’t surprised.

“The thing is,” I continued, “is that it is all computerized and there is not any money to steal inside a bank branch.”

Well, technically there might be some money, but it is not the bulk of it.

And not enough to make the percent chance of getting caught worth the risk.

“You’d have to be able to hack it on the computer.”

That’s creating cash in just a click.

Clicking For Cash
Image Source

That must be what Blackstone CEO billionaire Stephen Schwarzman is able to do.

Schwarzman threw himself a multimillion-dollar 70th birthday party in Palm Beach, Fla. — complete with camels, Mongolian greeters, a custom-built temple and a performance by Gwen Stefani.

Why not spend over $10 million in one night if you can have it all back by morning?

But don’t be confused.

I’m not envious.

Mostly curious why someone would use that much money in such a way.

Was there someone he was trying to impress?

Was there a deal he was trying to close?

As James Altucher often says, “There’s always a good reason and a real reason.

I think the having a birthday party is a good reason, but what is the real reason?

And speaking of James and money and it not being inside of banks….

Usually people use money as an excuse.

James provides this helpful Cheat Sheet For Dealing With Excuses and says this about money:

“I didn’t have any money so couldn’t start a business. And even if I started one, I didn’t have an office, or clients, and I was too shy to cold-call clients. I didn’t have connections or rich parents or anything for that matter.

I didn’t have talent. I just got lucky. Nobody will hire me. I don’t have the right equipment. I couldn’t write a book because I had no publisher. I couldn’t do stand-up because I was afraid people would heckle me. I’m afraid to write a blog post often because what would people think?

All of my excuses turned out to be blessings in disguise. There’s always a gap between “what I have now” and “what I would like.”

The gap is all of your excuses. All it takes to close the gap is to be creative and work your way through the excuses. I repeat: this is ALL IT TAKES.

Your excuses are simply the roadmap that takes you from “here” to “there”. Good luck on your travels.” Source

With that in mind, when I think how I can create money and put aside excuses, I think about what I want to do and how I want to do it.

The possibilities are endless.

But the potential I like the most is here.

On steemit.

What are you doing to make money online and how is that working out for you?

Tune in next time for more great content!


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because I gotta start somewhere.

Check Out My Latest Post:

P.S. Get $500 to spend how you want where you want on whatever you want when you use my link now to refinance your student loans with Credible.

However, this is a Limited time offer and you need to start the refinancing process today, 2/15/17, to be eligible for $500 reward.


Steemit is definitely a great way to make money on the internet. I am definitely disappointed I don't make as much as I did in the summer, but still a few dollars a month always helps. And I am going to power down for a few weeks, because I need the cash. I can then earn back that by posting some more.

Right, it might not be much for now but the potential gives me enough to keep me around as part of my online earning methods.

Operation - @berniesanders - Negative Rep. Account

Dear Users,
I came back live because the post listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders
To those that disagree, flag away at me. It does not matter. Even at -100 I will have a voice.
These accounts used to fight are expendable and disposable. Only Fix Listed Above.
Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~

Webwide (a.k.a.) EatinCrayons ~

These Messages & Flags Will Cease In Entirety When @berniesanders Account Is In The -Negative Reputation. Let Him Now Reap What He Has Sowed.

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