Here We Go Again... Trying To Get Back Into The Community To Find A Little Consistency... AKA Time Is The Biggest Nemesis To Creativity...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago

It seems like just when I feel like I am getting back into my stride and re-immersing myself into the community...

BOOM Life happens!


Now... One shouldn't complain about life too much as the alternative is not too appealing, right?

I often wonder about this time management malarkey and prioritising my time and effectively chasing down those items that appear at the top of my "must do!" list and wonder just how many years I have been waiting for these magical, mystical skills to manifest...

I was always struck by that feeling as I grew older and kept waiting for that whole 'growing up and turning into an adult' thing to happen that maybe it's a scam... I never ever received my certificate, did you? Oh sure I met a lovely partner had 2 awesome Daughters and bluffed my way to somehow helping them grow up safe and reasonably normal... But I always felt like one day soon I would be found out and some head-teacher/judge figure would make me re-sit the test for becoming a grownup! I knew I would fail abysmally.

The real moment of clarity...

Well that would be the day I realised so many others around me were bluffing it too... That was a real Ta-DA moment, the day the scales fell away from my eyes and I realised we are all flawed human type creatures. There is some comfort in this though, right? I mean the realisation that we are not the only flawed being walking round thinking everybody else has it so good and we just can't seem to pull it all together...

I resolved to share this tip with new parents, students, colleagues and anyone else I believed needed to know this holy grail of life-skills. So I did just that. I genuinely saw many take a deep sigh of relief and a flash of fear that soon disappeared from their face.


Knowledge we can really use!

So what has this taught me... Well as I am sure you have realised already from the path this post has rambled and meandered along so far, I believe I have worked out the time-management myth... It is not some great wisdom that is revealed to the initiated when the time is right but something that we must actively learn, study and apply to life. This once again causes a slight ripple of fear to traverse the length of my spine. I hear a little voice in my mind screaming...

"I'm not worthy..."

But once again I think worthiness is irrelevant. The willingness to change is the crucial and most important step you will ever encounter on this journey. I want to... Oh man! Do I want to? Then the question creeps in to my mind and instead of questioning worthiness it suggests that perhaps...

"I am too old.."

It is about this point that I hear the advice I have offered others when faced with a similar response from them, I realise this is another scam... True I have wandered this blue/green planet for the best part of 50 years already and you can bet that this kind of shift will not be easy - But it will be worth it. I have found some kind of resolution in my head to not blame my age for what may indeed be puny spinelessness.

"What if it doesn't work for me, maybe I am different."


You already know the answer I have for the above statement/mental fear. Changing the conscious and more importantly the subconscious mind is a bit like going to a funfair and taking a ride on the ghost train. Each time you pass one objection that stems from the fear within, another comes along and floors you. If you are not ready and physically expecting this kind of mental resistance, 5 minutes in, you will be an incomprehensible ball of quivering jelly in the corner scared by this time of anything and everyone.

Please if there is anything you want to achieve, resolve to go after it... Get ready for the battle that lay ahead and become ready to conquer each new foe that shows it's face before you. If you know it's coming ((and it will)) you have a far greater chance of tackling it head on and in turn defeating it! Deep down the subconscious hates change... It must in order to protect us from the unknown but this mechanism does not distinguish between good and bad change.

Wow! I just kinda rambled and procrastinated my way to a post, that's progress though, right?


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