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RE: Why are We So Angry as a Society?

in #life7 years ago

It is definitely sad. It makes me sad every time I turn on the computer and read the news, or, even worse, the comments on the news. There is some real hatred out there, and it's prevalent and vile. I wish people could see that love is the only way forward.


I don't believe in racism...we are all one race...the human race, and all connected. I always explained to people that there are many different breeds of dogs in many colours and sizes, but they are all dogs. That's how it is with the human race.
If only everyone could see that.
I believe that religion is bad, because it divides us and anything that divides us and pits us against one another is evil. Spirituality and faith in something bigger than us whilst also being a part of us is fine because it binds us together in a loving way.
It's a pity that so many people can't see that. 😢
Governments divide us so that we are weak and fearful and easy to control.

I agree with you so much. I wish more people could see it, too. So many are just blinded by their own hatreds. Those hatreds are things either their parents taught them, their religion (or their interpretation of it) did, or the government did. If more people opened their eyes to the truth, they really would see we are all one, and there's nothing to fight about. We would treat each other lovingly. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but sometimes I think it will take an alien invasion to make the humans of this world realize we are one people, one planet.

Haha, I know. I have said those very same words before, many times.

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