You Have Everything But You Don’t Have Yourself

in #life6 years ago

''There is no greater ecstasy than to know who you are. '' -Osho


When we chase things, we don’t get them.
But when we stop chasing things, they come to us.
Running around to chase happiness is a trap.
As it will be temporary.
Meditation was the door that has opened me to a whole new world, it has allowed me to expand my consciousness from the surface of reality.

The most precious form of wealth one can possess is to have found contentment internally.
You can have the most possessions, have the most money, and yet, if you keep on getting hungry for more, it does not make you more rich, but rather more poor.

A powerful sentence from the Dalai Lama sums it up extremely well:
''Any value based on the physical will have a limitation […] Usually, we do just the opposite. In the material field, where in any case there’s a limitation, we’re never content. We always want more and more. But where inner value is concerned, we are content. That is a mistake. ''
It is no surprise when you take into account that modern education’s main focus is on external development. We talk about ourselves in terms of what job we hold, what cars we own. We don’t talk about ourselves in terms of how kind or empathetic we are. That is, our internal value.

When someone asks us the question: ''Who are you? ''
We are likely to mention our name, age and profession.
While they are important aspects of ourselves, they should not be our whole identity.
As for example, the day we stop working in the field we have spent our lives working into, who then will we be?
Who are we profoundly, without any reference to the past or to the future?
Without the background noise that constantly goes on in our minds?
Without all of the labels that we have been conditioned to use?

In order to truly know ''thyself'' we first need to realize we are locked up in the prison of the mind, that has given us a false sense of self, to which we desperately cling to.

It is a great thing to go explore the external world, and to learn things.
However, it is an even greater thing when we come back home to our inner self, that is full of wisdom, love, and kindness to give to ourselves.

Who are we under this bag of skin?
Our physical body will cease to exist one day, but I am a firm believer that our soul will carry on forever.
What better reason than to start discovering it! 💫

According to the quantum model, and as Dr Joe Dispenza proclaimed in one of his seminars:
''95% of who you are by the time you’re 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, a set of emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes that run like a computer program. And so 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of your unconscious mind. ''


So then, do we really know ourselves if our unconscious mind is completely ruling our life, and we are not even aware of it?
Or if we are, what steps are we taking to change the odds?
Every time we think of a past event, our mind reproduces the same brain chemistry as if it was happening now. And so, we are teaching our bodies (without even knowing) to live in the past.
It is crazy to think that a simple thought has the power to create a chemical in our brain.
We can activate our nervous system just by thought alone.
We are so powerful, in so many ways, and yet we fail to realize that the miracle lies within ourselves, and not externally.
We need to find this light within us, and use it as a guide to answer some important life questions.

Who am I?
Why am I here on earth?
What is my mission, my life purpose?
What legacy do I want to leave behind?
How do I get there?

All of these answers can be found if we open our heart and listen to our soul.
Above the fortress of the mind, who are we?



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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Thanks as always 😘 😘

Very beautifully said. Osho is one of the brillinat spiritual teachers in our time. I realized that after reading his book “compassion” where he provided a very special approach to how humans should be compassionate to each other. And the importance of letting go of all kinds of prejudice and judgment to get in touch with every one’s true essence, the same essence you are talking about here. It is a very good read.

First, thank you so much! 💗osho2.jpg
That is amazing! So glad that you know and appreciate him as well😍
Such a wise man.
I got two of his books last week. (they're in french on the picture hehe:P)
But I will for sure read the one on compassion, thanks for poiting it out 😊

😀 So you are already reading his books, This sounds great. I first knew him when I joined a book club founded by a friend. We spent one month discussing The book. I still have good memories about Intense discussions of some of the books’s controversial points.

Wow no way that sounds amazing!😍
Such a great book to discuss in a book club:)
Want to know how I first knew him?😉
When I stumbled upon this video!
He is such a funny person too!!😂

:) He looks very centered, It is not easy to have such composure while making people laugh. Since The beginning I realized he is going to advice it as mantra :) :) LOOL. This is very creative of him.

Hey!, How the fuck are you?
Who gives a fuck honestly...
Seriously though, I'm LMFAO (Laughing My Fucking Ass Off)
There is No Fucking Way this is real...
Get the fuck outta here...
Fuck You 5 Times...
You gotta be fucking kidding me....
Where the fuck did you find this!?
Fucking genius...
You're fucked.

''95% of who you are by the time you’re 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, a set of emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes that run like a computer program. And so 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of your unconscious mind. ''

Thats an interesting tidbit of information !

I know right!!!😳🤩🔮🙏🏻
You should check him out “Dr Joe Dispenza”
The subconscious mind is one fascinating work of art 😉

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