To the friends I lost because of my psychotic depression

in #life7 years ago

''You see a person's true colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life.''


Be cautious who you let in your circle.
People are very good at putting on masks.
It 's the game of pretending.
But one day, their true colors will appear and you will truly see what they are made of.
To those of you who let me down when I was at my absolute worst, I want to thank you for doing so.
I do not wish any harm upon my worst ennemy, but I hope that if there ever comes a day where you end up where I was, you will remember what you did to me. Leaving me suffering alone. No closure. No explanations. No freaking reasons why.
With friends like these who needs enemies right?
I ought to forget.


It 's when people are out of money, starving, under pressure, caught up in their own madness, that you can see who they truly are. Anyone can be nice when things go their way, but it is only when the darkest days will come, that you will truly see the clearer version of who they really are. In the end, I won 't get mad at you. I will simply keep on walking forward and paint a beautiful mural of lessons with the colors that you have revealed to me. I get disappointed often by people nowadays. How easy is it to tell someone that you will always be there for them, that you will always remain honest and authentic with them. But the question is, how many people out there do really keep this promise? I no longer characterize individuals by their words. Words can fool anyone right?

Depression is like being trapped in a living hell. And I understand that from an outsider's perspective, it looks like we have bad temper, shitty behaviour, constant moodiness and pessimism, like I get it that it's hard to offer compassion when you see us this way. If only, you knew what it really feels like to be a half-living ghost. If it is frightening to witness, you have no clue how frightening it is to have it inside you and experience it.

Society does not understand depression because it's hard to imagine... But you want to know the main reason why? They don't understand depression because they don't want to. No wonder why we are stuck denying to ourselves that we are really suffering because what we are labeled with has ''bad reputation''....

No matter how profound the pain has been for more than 3 years, I am thankful for the good it brought me. Yeah what possible positive thing could bring an illness? Well, it helped me find myself. And it helped me find out that you were not the friends I thought you were. Thank you depression. You were a curse then. You are a gift now.


The Truth...

I am not mad at you. I am aware that I jeopardized personal and professional relationships that took forever to build and that will take most likely forever to repair. I dropped out of school. Took a path that took away my soul, my sanity, my everything. But fast forward seven months to now, and I could not be more proud of myself and where I am with my life. I begun to saw clarity for the first time in years, and it's a shame you let me down when there was a storm inside of me, because now, nothing will stop me until I reach the top.

I will never be able to put in words and describe how getting out of my depression and stopping my medication made me become the best version of myself. My soul is filled with purity. Compassion. Integrity. Unlimited amount of kindness. I will be forever thankful that I had to go through hell and back in order to get to where I am today, because I would not exchange who I am now for anything in the world.

There's only a couple people who stuck around, and if you were to know who these people are, you would quickly find out that they are the most caring, empathic and sweet hearted individuals I have ever came across. And these two people are the only ones I will ever need. They are the ones who never lost faith in me. They are the ones who understood I could not just ''snap out of it''. They are the ones who I will never stop loving.


You are the friends who did not stuck around through thick and thin.
You are the friends who ran away so fast when I was drowning in darkness.
You are the friends who did not held my hand when I tried committing suicide.
You are the friends who did not show up.

Thank you for letting me down when I needed you the most.
There was not a place for you anyway.
My story is not over.
To the friends who are no longer my friends, thank you.
I sincerely wish you the best,



Friends like you when you pay them a round of drinks, true friends are tested in the difficult times, not the party times. I've learned this lesson a long time ago, never rely on anyone except yourself. When things get tough, sit down and meditate, rethink your past, let it all go, and look ahead to the future.

You are a phoenix risen from the ashes, flying stronger and higher.

awwww dude youre too cute with that picture tho!!! Phoenix awww.
Thanks so much! Very true what you said. Its when the darkest hours come that you truly see their true colors.
Youre awesome. Obsessed with that phoenix picture to be honest:) @drakos

Its one of the many things in life you are never told, its easy to lose friends, then when happens it changes your life.

I have lost friends due to depression as well and I understand how you feel, and now I have absolutely none at all and Im not really looking for any more.

I even had people who I helped get through hard times who are now gone.

You are very lucky you have two people who stuck around.

If only there was a bit more love in the world instead of all the bullshit. A little bit of caring, a little bit of time for others, maybe things would be different.

Wow. You are the exact version of me😔 I agree 200% with everything you just said. Man it's hard. And I did the extra mile for all of the ones who left me too. This is the evidence that life is not always fair. The kind ones like us get stepped on and used and abused. I said two but my boyfriend is mainly the only one there. I used to think I was the only one out there with no friends but to know that you are in the same position, makes me feel a bit better. I don't believe friendships are essential to live a happy life. Sure it helps when someone is there for you, but I mean maybe I'm just so on my guards from having been stabbed in the back and let down. Thanks a lot for sharing this. I was having a tough time and your comment made me feel less alone 💙 Hang in there you have a lovely soul. @gyro

Thanks so much dude that means a lot! @kinimusic26

Plis help me upvoting some of my post

"Anyone can be nice when things go their way, but it is only when the darkest days will come, that you will truly see the clearer version of who they really are. In the end, I won 't get mad at you. I will simply keep on walking forward and paint a beautiful mural of lessons with the colors that you have revealed to me. "

i can truly feel these words,i feel you @steemityourway and its hard in the beginning when you find out that only yourself could be your best friend, but thanks to those dark phases we are stronger today. Hope you have a wonderfull day :)

Wow you're the best man! To quote my words haha I feel special🖤 Thank you so much. We are indeed stronger today xxxxx @lordcarlo297

You should feel special everyday,being strong and brave is something not everyone can handle :)

Wow you said it all! Thanks so much for your uplifting words!💗💗

Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :]

Wow thank you very much! Your support means a lot :) @ipkiss

Wonderful post hon.... I upvote and follow you😊😊

Thanks so much Andrew! I hope Jamaica 🇯🇲 is treating you well!💜😘

Can't complain hon... It is indeed😊

Another great one! It's really sad how people pretend to be your best friends when you are doing well and the same people are the last ones to show up when you need even a small favor.

On the other hand, it helped you filter that people that are worth spending your time. Even though the filter was very painful, you are now sure that these two people will very unlikely turn their back to you, ever.

Good luck with finding more such people and easily recognizing the ones that don't mean it :)

Thank you so much for this kind and uplifting comment! You always manage to say the right things and make my heart warmer!💚 Your kind words mean a lot and I could not agree more with what you said. As you said, it helped me filter who was worth it and who was not and I am glad it turned out this way. Thank you my friend once again:))!💗 @milansteskal

Love that plate analogy, @steemityourway! Stay strong, sounds like you have the right attitude.

Thanks so much dude. I appreciate it a lot! :) @tunnelrat

If you're not the best, I don't know who is. I could not thank you enough for that💛😘

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