Sex Obsessed Culture

in #life5 years ago

“The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”

Ashley Madison knows it best: Life is short. Have an affair.

We want pleasure, and we want it the way we want it, at the time we want it, with whom we want it. " Meet bored men & lonely housewives " When boredom permeates the household, there is no way on earth that we will welcome it with open arms. Quite to the contrary, we’ll find anything we can to avoid feeling the nothingness of nothing. It isn’t only that our minds need to be stimulated at all times. Our reward center of the brain too. After all, what would life be like without some all too pleasurable dopamine rushes?

We’re obsessed with pleasure, in all of its forms. And our quest to get more of it is a never ending one. Sex is one of these means to get our all-too-needed hit of brain rush. Oh, and an orgasm or two, while at it. We’re so hooked on the S that we even at times mistaken it for love. We even go so far as to seek it from people we don’t even have an emotional connection with. In a culture where porn is held as the standard and mechanical sex is the norm, making love has lost its meaning.

We’re only in it for our own pleasure. It’s not with sex per se that we are obsessed with – but with the thrill that comes from self-satisfaction. We use sex to feel, or perhaps to numb. To inflate our false sense of self-worth, or perhaps to boost our planet size ego. We don’t fuck solely to preserve our species – we fuck to preserve our own little selfish satisfaction.

Society seduces us with the promise of pleasure at every turn. Whether it’s through sex, food, booze, materials, money, the-list-goes-on- all the fleeting temptations around us scream our names. And it only takes a nanosecond of lack of self-will to fall in the trap of meaningless desires.


The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom... William Blake, Marriage of Heaven and Hell ... not sure who Ashley Madison is...🤔 but awesome article nonetheless!!! 🔝

Aww thanks so much!😍
Ashley Madison is a site that was designed for married couples to have affairs

Damn. You’re smart and witty at the same time. Glad, I stumbled upon one of your posts in the “new” section! Thanks for a great mirror!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Awwww! That’s so sweet of you to say @pele23 :-) !💓
Thank you so much:) very cool to know where you found my post too ^^

Different pic from usual ones. Nice to see you again :)

aw! Ya the daily selfie game can get hard to maintain at times;)
Nice to see you again!!!💜💛

Hey anything daily is hard.


Even if it is a drug. You end up dead.

So, in other words, I admire your discipline. Anything daily, is hard.

Awwww! You put it so well!
And that means so much:) Thank you very much beautiful friend 🌟💗

Have you ever been to sea, Sabrina?

All dressed up looking cute for your Ashley Madison profile?

How am I so predictable?;)

Lol I wouldn't claim to be an expert on the subject, but sometimes I get things right. Even a broken clock is right twice a day

Desires drive us - dreams and fantasies led us to the age of technology.

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Humans are junkies. Nearly, if not all, every human is a junkie on something.

Street drugs
Nail biting
Having children

When we find something that we like, we cannot help but want more.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol there's nothing we won't find a way to abuse

Wow so incredibly true!!!💜 👌

I knew a girl in primary school called Ashley Madison. She was a little angel, not like the modern-day digital version who is a salacious asshole.

Posted using Partiko Android

OMG! Are you for real! That's crazy. Imagine how she must feel to be called after a shithole app:(
Nice profile pic btw!:)

I don't know her now but she's either married with a new last name, calls herself Ash...Or is actually the Ashley Madison!

Thanks, glad you like my pic. Figured a change up would be good. Pays to advertise too, might get someone actually reading my posts. :)

Whoever doesn’t read your post is cheating themselves of an opportunity to discover a cute, awesome and brilliant guy ^^

Why thank you for the kind words.


and awesome huh? Well...I'll take it.

The brilliant part...Meh, I'm not so sure. 😊💚

I’m not sure in which context to read this post.

I’ve been cheated on and certainly read it in that context, but also I understand the contempt many have for someone who makes a commitment and seeks their jollies somewhere else anyways.

And then there’s the third context, the homewrecker. The person who can only feel good by fucking a married person.

Please don't be the third.

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