Problems Related To The Wrong Posture
You may have been asked to sit up straight a lot of times by your parents, but do you know exactly why? And what harm it may be causing you in the long run?
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Here are some discussed below:
- Soreness & Pain
Your muscles have to work hard to get itself in a slouching position. Quite often you may experience pain or soreness due to the wrong posture which is mostly overlooked, this is resulting in long-term issues related to health. Bad posture can cause chronic pain as well in the lower back area. Lower back pain is mostly caused due to poor posture and stress on the spine. - Poor Circulation
A sitting position taught to women by many is “crossing legs”. This is again a wrong posture as it increases the pressure of gasses and fluids in the body. Common symptom due to crossing legs is spider veins and lower back pain if the habit is not changed. - Negative Mood
Bad posture invites depression and a good posture fights it. A research report by Health Psychology suggests that anyone who sits slumped or slouched will carry more mood swings, lower self-esteem, and fear compared to those who sit upright. Linguistics analysis had to say worse than good. - Increased Stress
Bad posture brings two more negative effects known as mental and increased physical stress. Soreness and pain are two common factors noticed in physical stress, and then it can eventually turn in to mental stress. In the previously mentioned study, the connection between stressful and posture situation was observed. Sitting upright is considered as a strategy to fight back stress, study suggests. Increased level of cortisol and decreased levels of testosterone are witnessed due to bad posture. - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Your hands, wrists and arms functioning is controlled by a nervous system that goes through your upper back and neck, bad posture can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and negatively impact these areas. Muscles will feel tingling, pain or numbness and feel tight in this situation. - Less Motivation
Less motivation and lower confidence also come from the effects of sitting in a bad posture. A common behavioral assessment in the workplace or social gathering, people who are slouching are considered shy or set to have lower confidence. It makes sense why fear and depression are linked with lower motivation. - Poor Digestion
It is not realized often but poor digestion may often derive from bad posture. When a body hunches or slouches, organs come close together. Such situation can cause constipation because it makes it harder for the body to digest food. It is basically damaging your digestive system in the long-run in trying to consume food In the wrong posture, which will ultimately lead to altering the metabolism of your body for a lifetime. - Fatigue
You will often feel fatigue if you have a bad habit of sitting in bad posture because the body tries to keep you in an upright position. Sitting in an upright position is the normal posture of a body and body tries to get you back to that position constantly. So try to sit up straight because this will lead to higher levels of fatigue.
Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.
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OMG! I sort of have most of the symptoms discussed - my right hand has just been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! I thought that because I have been working in front of my computer a lot, but it could be due to wrong posture too!
Thanks for the insight - gotta seriously work on my posture!
I suffer from low motivation and low energy, posture has definitely affected that and therefore I do exercises, especially pushups and pull-ups to fix the posture and increase my overall mood.
I would like people to know how beneficial it is to make some exercise at least 4 days a week for 30 minutes, for their body. It can relieve a lot of those pains, energize them and give happinness (because of endorphins release)
Nice Motivation Post....
Health is the number one priority in our lives. Well being starts with understanding ourselves and what we want.
Loved this! I've had a terrible posture my whole entire life, and before I didn't really bother to do anything about it. I was thinking "why would I sit up straight, and feel uncomfortable"... I thought that the only downside was that it wasn't the prettiest posture, but now that I know a lot more, I've started to pay more attention to my posture. It's not always easy, but I'm trying. I learned a bunch of new things from this post, and it gave me motivation to keep on practicing to fix my posture.
Thank you for sharing this! :)