A poem in free verse, Big Mouth, or When to Speak and When to Shut the Hell Up!

in #life8 years ago

Life is too short for pulling punches and stifling hunches
Things that need to be said, should be

They tend to fester, rise in blisters drive you mad with the idea that you
should have said something

We're not here to do our own thing in isolation
better to get it out in the open

When you learn a truth that heals you and
reveals the nature of life

Sharing should be a natural outcome of revelation
it wasn't just for you

So, find your kindness, share it gently, no need to
bash anyone with your "truth"

But, the grief you spare another, is one less tear to be counted
among the far too many filling our oceans

If you know something, say something

If, on the other hand, your mouth only opens to destroy your fellow man
run him down and dump on his happiness

Reexamine your perspective and staple that sucker shut
the world does not need

Another prophet pointing out all of the pitfalls, we've been around the block enough times to know where they are

But, if we stop believing that good things happen, will they happen? Will we even recognize them when they happen?

Let's cheer on the dreamer, applaud for the man who laughs in the face of tragedy and rejoice with the one who flies in the face of convention

The world needs more people who understand that nothing incredibly awesome ever came by doing the same thing in the same way

Or from being afraid to take chances on crazy ideas that occur to us suddenly in the middle of something "important"

That the whole world could have lived without hearing, like another sermon, or a presidential debate

So, here is the long and the short of it, the very heart of it is, if you can add to the world's joy by just one second, do it, but adding grief should be a capital offense.


And just how does one decide without listening? Anyways, I somewhat agree and like Gestalt therapy. That's where you go outside and let out a primal scream and with years of practice can actually turn the scream into words then sentences. Unfortunately, this method of therapy lost popularity two decades ago. Now people are arrested for it when it was designed to prevent stress induced mass murders and relieve hot flashes. So nowadays, with nothing to replace theraphy, well...people get shot and we all know what happens with hot flashes

This is awesome! There are too many people who should speak up, shutting up and too many who need to be shut up, speaking up! Nailed IT!

I'm one of these people, I hold it in til i have a panic attack and blow up. I need to use these pointers in my work place and at home. Thanks for sharing :) followed

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