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RE: Sometimes the meds do more harm than good

in #life6 years ago

God love ya. Doctors are only licensed to "practice" medicine. Let them practice on somebody else. You are to valuable of a person.
Here is something else to ponder upon.
2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
It's a promise too. Claim it.


@spozone, I'm curious if you can help me interpret the scripture. Is it saying the solution exists already inside us?

I think so yes. If nothing else it's a Jedi mind trick. You simply have to believe. Have faith. Like in the movie Stigmata, the kingdom of God is within you and all around you, not in buildings of wood and stone, not in statues. It's in you. It's a choice, a choice of surrender and of submission. It's not an easy choice but a choice.

Yes, my panic attacks still plague me, yes my depression and anxiety creeps up on me from the depths of horrific memories. As I grow in confidence I'm learning to surrender those things too God also. I realize they are "my" things or rather tools of the devil trying to separate me from God's love, joy, and happiness.

I'm no saint. My nature is evil to the core. I used to think I was a wizard, a warlock, singing prayers to Shiva, Isis or Satan himself. I was angry, angry as all hell at God for allowing my ass to get raped by that man, for allowing the beatings as a child. I chose to blame God. Today I choose Love. For years nothing but chaos, madness, sadness. No more. I choose to accept, to embrace, to truly change my perception, I choose Christ, Him crucified on a cross that I might have life, joy, happiness, and a peace that indeed surpasses all understanding.

I empathize with you and hope these words help you in some way. When this world is passed away I hope to find you in the next and we can laugh, cry, joke, and sing praises over it all then

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