Hanoi Summit Ends; But Plans For Next Meeting Already in Discussion

in #life6 years ago

Wow. What a difference a day makes.

I wish I could say I’m used to it; but, gravitational highs are always met with the universal law of what goes up must come down.

In yesterday’s post, I talked about how elated I was that POTUS and Chairman Kim were in discussion. However, this morning was met with msm's negativity, poising POTUS’ decision to walk as a failure. A failure? Smh…rme…

Of course, rational minds are wiser. Less than two years ago, the U.S. was bombarded with deflecting test missiles being shot our way from North Korea.

It was no joke. As those who know can attest; deflecting missiles is a hit or miss process; and, the consequences of missing could not go unchecked as Hawaii and Seattle were in range.

Long story short, as a result of the early-morning news, I literally boycotted everything msm today; because, even the positive reports had a negative twinge to it; calling the visit a propaganda meeting. What???!!!

I’m one who sleeps with radio news on low in the background.

Hearing reports that POTUS had ended the summit early, with a sarcastic taint to the delivery; just made me switch over to classical music.

After all, it was shortly before 5 a.m.; and, demeaning news wasn’t how I wanted to start my day.

But, anyhoo, the gloomy weather persists; and thankfully by day’s end, the majority of news sources had made clear that there are more benefits than not, for this POTUS establishing a rapport with Chairman Kim.

As a bit of much-welcomed good news, it’s been less than 24 hours and, Kim has expressed an interest in meeting yet again. Wow. That would be historical; and very encouraging for hopes of reaching a workable deal.

I don’t know about you; but, peace talks with North Korea is both exciting and interesting; because, as mentioned in the previous post: Never in a million years did I see this occurring. Smh...and praising God all in the same breath.

Lastly, I can't help but note that this POTUS reminds me so much of being one who was called “for such a time as this”(Esther 4:14.)

Prayers for progress.

Prayers for the world.



Here's another current post I've written that you might like to read:

MSM Downplays Hanoi Summit


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