Thank you for your Birthday wishes

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to 2017!

First I want to thank everyone who send me cute birthday messages on Steemit.Chat. I really appreciate it and wish everyone a happy New Year! 🎉

Now since my birthday week is finally over, I want to take the chance to tell you a little bit about the experience to celebrate my birthday on the 1st of January. Yes, I am a New Year´s Baby. 

My birthday celebration always starts on New Year´s Eve. When I was younger I was way too exited because of all the fireworks, loud explosions and of course all the beautiful lights which were dancing in the sky! It felt like the whole world was celebrating my birthday. It was so magical!

As I already told you in my first post, I have 5 siblings… 

My Dad took the time to go out at 9 pm with all the kids and played around with some small fireworks, while my mom was wrapping my presents. We went back inside after maybe 40-50 minutes and my mom tried to hide all the presents. Everyone was sitting on the table, because it was time for our New Year´s Eve tradition - pouring of molten lead! In Germany we call it “Bleigießen“. I believe the most of you know how the game works so I wont explain it any further. It was a great feeling to have everyone around. I am the youngest of all children, which means I didn't get to see everyone everyday, because they often went outside to meet their friends and little me was way to young to join them. But anyway, I was happy to meet all of them and celebrate the beginning of the new year and my birthday together…

I was so nervous because of the countdown.

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Booom the lights were flashing around and everyone was so unconditionally happy! We clinked our orange juice glasses together and welcomed the new year and my favorite day. After that we took our big rockets and went outside. We met our neighbors and started our huge fireworks. It was getting late so my parents put me to sleep. It wasn't a long night for me at all, I stand up at 6 in the morning and woke everyone in building up and unwrapped the presents. We had a second tradition  - watch a movie in the cinema with 8 people! All of us enjoyed the day and had a lot of fun. My siblings played around with me and my toys and I got exited for the next year.

But things change

When my brothers and sisters got older, they started to drank alcohol. Of course, thats what young gentlemen and ladies do right? I was still too little to join them and their parties so I missed them on the traditional celebration. Later in the night, everyone came back home and when we went to the cinema some were still a little bit drunk or slept through the whole movie. It wasn't so much fun anymore and I also realized that more people started to forget my birthday because they were too busy with their own New Year´s Eve celebration. 

Also my friends didn't want to come over because they wanted to stay with their families. But I have to thank my parents a lot. They realized that I wasn't that happy anymore and when my siblings moved out, they took me to a trip on every birthday. We traveled to Paris, London, Turkey, Berlin and more… They made every trip magical and I want to thank them with all my heart! So maybe my new tradition is to spend my birthday always in another city!?

Now since I am a grown Lady, I know that it is not important to have big celebrations. I am the most happy person when I got to see the people I love

It doesn't matter what you do! It matters with WHOM you do it!

2016 was a great year full of impressions. I got introduced to Steemit which changed a lot, I got to meet so many amazing people and my niece was born. It is great to see who I was 1 year ago and who I am today! I have a lot planned in 2017 and I am so glad that Steemit got me the chance to share it with such an amazing community! 

I wish everyone a powerful and successful 2017 with lots of love!

Stay focused


I think is not too late to tell you Happy Birthday!

Its ok I appreciate it :)

I know it's late but I still want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday !

Have a great 2017!

It's okay thank you anyway :)
Happy New Year !!!

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! :-)

Thank you, I wish you an amazing 2017!

Thank you, Happy New Year!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich und alles gute fürs neue Jahr!

Danke , dir auch !

Nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! :)

Danke, frohes Neues!

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