The Impact of Anxiety on our lives and How to Overcome it.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Anxiety is an emotional response to a known or unknown situation. When we think about a certain situation the brain recollects all information it can , about the experience. If the past experience was positive we would be excited and looking forward to do it again , but if the experience
Was negative, our brain would create a sense of fear , as a defense mechanism for not doing it again. This feeling is known as anxiety.


Impact of anxiety

Anxiety has a major impact not only on personal life , but also social and work life.
The fear of not doing something acts like a disability. It keeps you from unleashing your true potential.

For example: You might have a great business, idea but if you cannot communicate it well enough what’s the point? Certain anxieties act like barrier between you and success. But what’s funny is that 90% of the anxieties we create and made up. We are fearful of something , due to the lack of experience.

This viscous cycle of not taking the first step due to being fearful and then not perusing it ,creates more harm than good.


Therefore certain measures need to be taken to overcome anxiety.

Ways to overcome anxiety

1.Write down your fears

List all the fears that you have, this will give you a clarity of what is going in your mind will serve you as an important tool for the following steps.


2. Accept it

Accepting your anxieties and fears is the first and the most important step you can take for overcoming your anxieties. By acknowledging that you fear something , you can improve it. Nothing ever comes good out of living in denial.

3. Find out where the fears come from

90% of all anxieties are false. Find out where the fears came from. Track your fears. Did you friends tell you that a certain situation is scary, and is that the reason why you never did it?
Or did it come from experience. Did you have a fail experience and that is stopping you from doing it again?


4. Look at the benefits of overcoming your fears

Take a second, close your eyes and imagine you overcoming your fears. What benefit does that over your life? Don’t focus on the fear , focus on the benefit. I had a fear pf public speaking, but In 8th Grade we had to give a speech. From the moment my teacher, announced that I would have to deliver a speech, my thoughts were all negative. Such as – What if I screw up? Will people laugh at me? I had never delivered a speech, but automatically I had a notion that I would screw up? Where did this come from?. Soon I thought rationally and actually focused upon the benefits. This change in my perspective allowed me to actually work on myself.

If you have followed the above 4 steps, I would say 50% of your work is done. You have accepted it, found out the source, and focused on the benefits.** Only one step is left and without doing this all your efforts would unfortunately go to waste.**

5. Do it.

Do it. These two words can change your life , if taken seriously. Now that that you have analyzed yourself and you know what is to be done, now act upon it. Just do it

6. Keep yourself motivated

You need to keep reminding yourself about the your goals and dreams. Remind yourself about the hurdles in your life and how did you overcome them. Find a mentor, watch motivational videos, the anxiety has been created by your mind , and you can definitely diminish it .


Take the first step towards your goal and give it all you’ve got. If you make a mistake , you know exactly what not to do in the future. Everyone makes mistakes , but whether we learn from them or let the mistakes affect our confidence , separates winners from losers.
Keep distance from people who are pessimistic in nature. They will always criticize you, hence not lowering both your self confidence and self esteem.

In conclusion, take baby steps in overcoming your fear. Analyze your fears, and write down , the smallest thing you can do in order to overcome it. Constant improvement will lead to success.

So go out there and face your fears, you may fail , you may succeed, but if you keep persisting towards change there is nothing stopping you.

“Anxiety's like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you very far.” - Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home

I write on various topics but I love to write on self development.If my articles bring change and improvement in one person’s life, my work here is done. Follow me @slayer

#life #psychology #steemsquad


Good post. Upvoted.

Fear is the mind killer:

Thank you!

I used to get really bad social anxiety, but since my job requires me to speak on the phone a lot, I've overcome it.

I'm glad to hear that!

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