10 Signs That You Are Highly Emotionally Intelligent

in #life8 years ago

To succeed in your personal and career life, you need to have both a high emotional intelligence and an high IQ. Many major companies recognize the importance of emotional intelligence. Many people possess these traits that make them successful.

Have you ever wondered whether you are an emotional intelligent person? Well look no further.

These are some of the indicators that highly emotional intelligent people possess.

1. You're fascinated by what makes people tick

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People with high emotional intelligence tend to analyze people. They ask themselves what is so special about this guy /girl. And how their personality traits have affected their life.

They're aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
Ever heard of a SWOT analysis? Well even if you're a highly emotional intelligent person. I'm pretty sure you would have made a mental note of your strengths and weaknesses. This allows them to take decisions in their life

2. They live in the present.

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Emotionally intelligent people appreciate the small things in life. They see beauty in people and know how to appreciate it.

3. They see situations from a 3rd party perspective.

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Everyone has a right to his /her opinion and people react differently to different situations. Emotionally intelligent understand this and analyze people. They change their words, actions according to the 3rd party.

4. They are empathetic

They can put themselves in others shoes. And can actually empathize. They provide value feedback and solutions to the respective problems. They understand this pain and emotions. Being empathetic can help both is personal and career life!

5. They can control themselves.

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Even emotionally intelligent people can have outbursts. But what differentiates them from others is the ability to analyze the situation and then control themselves in the future situations.

I wonder if the 7 million dollar pizza guy, has learned to control his anger.

6. Get support

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United we stand and divided we fall. In the current world the stress levels are alarming. Emotionally intelligent people understand that by building a support system. Not only makes them happier but makes the ride of life seems much smoother.

7. They know how to understand emotion

Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to understand emotions. It may be both verbal and non verbal cues. Non verbal clues includes body language. They understand various actions indicate various emotions

8. They know how to criticize and accept. Criticism.

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Words can be very powerful. Emotionally intelligent people know this! They look at the situation ans try to make the most out of it. They focus on the problem at and and offer constructive solutions, which being empathetic.

9. They look at the larger picture in life.

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They learn to avoid impulses based on their emotions. They look at the consequences and then take the decisions. It maybe as simple as not buying candy while you're on a diet. But such small nuances separates them from the common people.

10. They know how to appreciate people.

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Emotionally toxic people know God to reduce the self esteem others. Whereas emotionally intelligent people appreciate others, increase their self confidence and self esteem.

  • All the gifs are taken from giphy.com

  • So, how many such traits do you possess?

  • Do you think it's important to be emotionally intelligent, in the current world with ever increasing use of technology?

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Don't forget to follow me @slayer



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