Dear loved one, the matrix has you.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The TV was left on CNN.

I go to this person's house sometimes. I care about her.

I listen to her rant about Trump with an open heart. "He's crazy." "He's going to start world war 3 if he's not careful." "He's a liar and a thin skinned bigot."

What I believe changes, and I reserve the right to change if new information presents itself. I'm not about to make up my mind and drop anchor in a never-ending stream of new information. When it comes to news media though, I see something. I see attempts to corrupt our minds and control what we believe.

I try my hardest to approach the subject delicately as I have so often in the past.

I suggest, "Trump's playing a clever game like all the other politicians." She continues to listen to the criticisms of his character.

She mentions she reads the Washington Post. I show her a Ben Swann videoexposing the Washington Post's fake news fiasco of Russian Hacking.

"Interesting. I'll have to check him out." She says, translated in my mind to, "I will never watch any of his videos."

I hope I'm wrong.

At this point I fear she is deeply anchored and any attempt to sail free may be too painful to bare.

We discuss "fake news" and I say, "There is definitely a problem of how to discern fact from fiction but censoring independent news sources can't be the answer. People in the 'alternative news' community think they have been lied to by the mainstream media, and they have been."

I try to explain why the concerns of "alternative" media are legitimate. Even if some independent sources are unintelligent, their reactions are understandable.

We talk about how people don't have time to vet every source, so we have to find one we trust. I suggest that allowing the open market on news would create competition and the journalistic reporters with the most integrity would rise to the top, along with some trash of course.

I don't know the answers but this has to be at least better than the proposal on the table to broadly censor independent news with google algos, or legislation, or whatever method of suppression and control is dredged up.

These methods would only increase the monopoly of (let's call it what it is) corporate media.

Let's also call alternative news what it is, independent news. Broccoli isn't an alternative to Kraft Dinner. I didn't say that to her.

When it comes down to it though, she and I agree. We think education needs to radically change and those changes are taking place.

Boredom in the routine of mandated curriculum causes physical stress. Besides, memorization of most content is obsolete in a world with infinite information at hand.

Where are the classes on critical thinking and identifying logical fallacies? A focus on the process of learning rather than the content, would raise more capable generations.

Healthier brains means less conflict, internally and externally. We both agree.

Where we disagree is my belief that deception runs deeper and there are nefarious actors at play in corporate media, government, and the military/intelligence complex.

I'm not sure she sees the depth of deception in politics or news media. I don't think she sees the dangers of the very institutions meant to protect us.

Watching CNN, even if you "know it's biased," shows a lack of comprehension of the deception taking place.

Watch corporate news regularly and you are helping their ratings. You are supporting a despicable, revolting, misery generating machine.

These people are entertainers with no moral standards, manipulated into, or knowingly working for government and the "intelligence community."

CNN's God is the bottom line, the profit, the views, the clicks. Shows like Anderson Cooper's are like sitcoms, cartoons masquerading as "news."

Corporate media (and unfortunately some independent media) promote argument, division, and confusion. After all, if there is a sense of resolution, the viewer can turn off the TV in peace. If the intention was to bring clarity to issues and unify the people, the programs would be structured entirely differently.

But I have deep respect for her. I love her like a second mom. I probably have anchors too, but I can't un-see what I have seen. I can't ignore my screaming heart any longer.

Preaching to the choir is fun. It is a relief to know that there are many people who are in the same boat. However, the real issue is how to talk to people that have already decided on what they believe and have built a group of friends with similar beliefs. This is the dilemma.

Can this nut even be cracked without the person first experiencing some sort of crisis? I don't know. Maybe trying to convince anyone is a waste of time. Instead, I'll be the change I want to see.

I've tried for years anyway. She read my post Mind Control: three warnings from an ex-magician but it wasn't enough. She respects me, I think, and understands I'm not an idiot (silly her), yet the weight of what I am trying to communicate doesn't quite sink in.

If it had, she'd stop watching CNN!

I'm not spending hours carefully questioning and nailing down what it is I'm trying to say for payout (that's fun too though).

I do this because it burns inside me if I don't try to express it. Corruption runs rampant.

I see the death and destruction in the world and it doesn't have to be this way.

I feel sick to my stomach with sadness looking at the faces of the crowds as they mosey to work, forming neat lines on the escalators, trying to ease their dissatisfaction with a hand-held screen. In their devices and media they find a piece of solace.

A piece of peace is not peace at all though. I see their faces scarred by years of pain still lingering in the background of their minds, and it doesn't have to be this way.

Have you seen the stars from a desert plain? There are too many to count.

Have you been healed, swept out of time, love pounding the brain, like waves crashing on a shore wiping away past impressions?

Day to day life doesn't have to be a struggle. We don't have to suffer. It doesn't have to be this way.

How do we combat the "matrix" that rapes the land and perpetuates misery if each individual is also responsible for its thriving growth?

Our anchors grow coral, solidifying our positions.

How do we break free without causing more disorder?

These are questions for sure. I will never stop asking them.


My husband and I kicked our tv out of our house back in 2007. We figured out corporate news has a corporate agenda, which is profiting from us common folks sufferings. We stopped consuming and simplified our life as well. Simplicity allows from for contentment. Although the system we live in is a manufactured reality we try and stay healthy and grounded.

Great news ;) Being healthy and grounded is key. Thanks for reading.

This is by far one of my favorite posts on Steemit so far. I'm new to this site but I upvoted this, resteemed it and I promoted it [whatever that means! :) ]

You bring up so many great points that I have been brooding over as well. I have to say I agree with your perspective 100%. Especially the educational system and it's complete misdirection.. they are raising complacent, lethargic students who are expected to make the test score and move on.

Such a great post! Here's to working towards a change! Knowledge is power. Shake 'em & wake 'em friend!

Thanks! I'm glad. Steemit is great for the occasional brood.

Where are the classes on critical thinking and identifying logical fallacies?

So true. People need to know these things.

The only way to be sure about the news is to do on the ground research. Become an amateur detective and never look back ^_^

Yes! Thank you.

Day to day life doesn't have to be a struggle. We don't have to suffer. It doesn't have to be this way.

This will soon change. Technologies such as STEEM and Bitcoin are evidence of that. Also, let's not forget the amount of information that is getting out to the public, via Internet, such as #PizzaGate / #PedoGate. Their House of Cards is crumbling. HUMANITY IS RISING

It is an amazing time. I'm also optimistic

Great post. Yes it can be very frustrating.

Thank you, canadian-coconut.

What is challenged, by questioning CNN et al., is associative coherence, a sane and comfortable world-view: pull out one piece, and the whole thing starts to unravel. Alt-media? It is very easy to accept that the dastardly Chinese have 1000s working on policing the internet, astro-turfing, trolling, staying on-message, but to start to think that the Free World is doing exactly the same thing, that's difficult.

What on earth can we do? Well, following @skypal and re-steeming this is small something.

Associative coherence. I like that. Thank you!

Great article...I can't even watch CNN anymore. In fact I quit watching TV about 4 years ago and feel much better for it!

Thanks. Glad to hear. It's strange watching it after taking a break. The insanity is even more apparent.

I've given up trying to tell people anything. It's like they all have Stockholm Syndrome en masse, and insist on running off the cliff like a bunch of brainless lemmings. A great post though.

It certainly can be frustrating at times. Thanks for reading.


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