What The F*ck Youtube?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I went to look up fully automated factories and restruants and the drop down sugestion blew my mind.


What the Fuq is a "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism"?

Are there really so many people searching for "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism" that when they start typing "fully automated", youtube throws that out there as best suggestion and is usually correct?

I had to snap a screenshot as i didnt think anyone would believe me if i said it was what it was doing.

Try typing in "fully automated " into the youtube search and see for your self!!!

I just clicked the youtube logo and Went back to the main youtube page and this was in my recommended videos.

Im starting to wonder if youtube is just fuqin with me now.

Im sure we all can agree, that dude is the true master of unarmed combat. I'm just amazed the comment section on the video was not disabled.

Im thinking i might be done watching videos on youtube for the evening. For the first time an a while mainstream media isnt sounding so horrible.

Cheers steemit!

  1. I want to move to this planet. As your official gay socio-democratic friend I urge you to calm your tits.

  2. Its a def a joke dood

  3. Im gon flip this for my ill gotten gains tho bacuz im fine with being a social justice wsrrior and i am hyp about gay spa d communism!! To tha moon !!

Hehehehe 😝😝😝😝❤️❤️❤️❤️


I want to avoid that place.

Its actually a real concept of "fully automated luxuary communisum"

people then went and memed it up with "fully automated lyxuary space communisim" and had some fun with it and there is even a song that came out as a meme from the original concept.

Recently after that some of the nonbinary and lgbtqulmnop group grasped onto the idea and started promoting the whole "fully automated luxuary gay space communisim ordeal" and now after people are starting to meme off of that (or just sit back in awe of it all) but the whole idea although so funny we take it as a joke is a serious take on what they are trying to turn the future into.

thats awesome, just go do it in your own gay space commune and dont force others to live by your "brave new world" rules. if u wanna be gay in space thats fine with me but the moment you start trying to change the space everyone else has to fit your wants at the loss of others rights i have a problem.

As much as i like to joke around about it all it is the direction i see the human race taking right now.

yea we kinda had a problem when it was happening to us gays too. Plus, some of my friends still getting killed m harrassed for it. So i can understand you dont want that to happen. But tell me, what gives you the idea that gay people will be as oppressive rulers as straight ones?

what gives you the idea they would be any less opressive?

I personally dont think what someone does the the privacy of their own bedroom with other consenting adults has anything to do with who a person is or what their charcter is as a person especially when they become a person with power. power usually corrupts and i dont think that has anything to do with someones sexual prefrences.

im sorry your friends are getting murdered for being gay, its a really stupid reason to kill someone or to get killed for. as for the harassment, i would say harden the fuck up to it. we all get harassed online and if someone cant deal with other people and their opinions they should avoid socializing and go hikikomori. imo atleast.

As for the other stuff, i dont want someone elses sanitized version of how the world should be i want the raw uncut real deal.

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."

"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."

"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence.

"I claim them all," said the Savage at last. (17.62-6)

Theres def somethimg about knowing pain, however there is a lot of pain I'd prefer to have not experienced.

Curious, what do you consider online harrassmant? Seriously. I dunno if we have the same definition. That said I'm harder than most think I am. Or else I probably wouldnt even be online.

As for the first question, i also imagine it would be the same. Except i dont think thst gay people would outlaw straightness. Or kill straight people.

Then again, since there are mostly straight white males in charge everywhere i suppose its hard to imagine anthing else working on your favor?


@skeptic Very good information of this post. Best regards

best regards to you too.

i hate tv but after my recent search ordeal ive moved to audio books.
maybe in a couple days ill try the videos again.

yoooo you fkin helarious sometimes tho. GO TO BED KID

thank you and i did, worst hangover ever.

Its true, i wish it was a joke but im serious.

Did you search it? Might be a popular meme. As a communist myself I've heard the term a lot, so it could be.

I was to scared to look it up.
Maybe ill check it out tomorrow, i think i have had my fill of youtube for the night. If its a meme it would atleast make sense where till you said that i was just completly confused.

I looked it up, its a real thing.

A.I. tries to guess what were looking for based off past searches so...?
...or maybe it is a whole new level of suggestive mind control.

I would usually agree with that but i wasent logged in on youtube when it happend.
you can see in the screenshot.
Might be why it came up though, maybe if i log in it will be differnt.

Did you try typing fully automated into the youtube search and get something different?

I just tried it and....ummmm....welll.....no. I got the same thing you did.
Whatsup hit me in the arm, asking what I have been searching...

Did you search it to see what it was? someone mentioned it might be a meme but idk if i want that in my search history.

Now im really confused about the little abled ninja and why it was in the recomended area.

Atleast i know the suggestion drop down wasent a fluke. I wonder what other weird shit the search bar is sugesting. half the time i dont even look.

Apparently youtube can't be trusted...

Im going to pay attention to anything in the search bar and if it does more weird stuff ima screen shot it again.
Never trusted youtube before, lol. i wonder if its just what is getting searched for.

The world...is getting strange.

thats a nice way to put it IMO.

I looked it up, its a real thing.

found a filthy frank meme for it though.

I can't believe the guy starting the video is serious!

scroll down and watch the one lower in the comments. after searching it i found out there are hundreds of videos that are serious as hell.
its hard to tell if im suposta be laughing or feeling bad for the people.

Really,..... I mean REALLY weird LOL
I darn't search now, God knows what it'll bring up.

i looked it up, its real.

Let me know as i have been to scared to search it yet.

The final utopia is the fully automated gay space communism. Its never been tried before you know.

a gay brave new world in a pink spaceship is what i think of.

"gay space" like safe space or "gay" and "space" like gay and space?
Im going to have to find out at some point what the drop down suggestion is trying to get me to look at. I hope its a meme and not more social cancer or seriousness.

i looked it up, its real.

take a look at our future!

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Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. Adderall is used to treat narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Aug 12, 2017

POSSIBLE EXPLANATION...??? Or a solution...???

Maybe but im thinking its more then a drug problem.

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