Pizza Hut Introduces Robot To Take Orders + Replace Human Employees

in #life7 years ago

Robots are getting more and more advanced, and these automated machines have managed to become helpful to humans in many different ways.
We've heard all heard it a thousand times before - robots will be replacing human jobs in the future.
And it's true! As technology is advancing, robots are finally on the verge of becoming more useful and more and more complex.

I have already reported about an automated pizza delivery robot in the past, but now, a robot is even ringing up customers at pizza hut!

Meet Pepper - the robot that works for Pizza Hut stores in Asia and takes care of customers' orders!

The Pepper Robot

"Pepper" is an advanced humanoid robot created by Japanese company SoftBankRobotics.
He moves on 3 multi-directional wheels powered by 20 engines, with a maximum speed of 3km/h and 12 hours of battery life.
Pepper has a built-in tablet on his chest and there are 2 integrated HD cameras as well as one 3D camera that gives him the ability to see and analyze his surroundings.
He also comes with a built-in obstacle avoidance mechanism, and is connected to the Internet through his tablet.

Focus on emotions

The Pepper robot is focused on Emotions - it comes with in-built facial recognition that can identify principal emotions like joy, sadness, anger or surprise.
He can also interpret your mood by recognizing a smile, frown, non-verbal language like the angle of a head tilt, the tone of voice, and the lexical field the customer uses.
This way, Pepper can tell whether the customer he's serving is in a good or bad mood.

The latest creation from SoftBank Robotics, Pepper is the first robot designed to live with humans. Engaging and friendly, Pepper is much more than a robot, he’s a companion able to communicate with you through the most intuitive interface we know: voice, touch and emotions.

The Robot At Pizza Hut

"Pepper" is now one of the employees at selected Pizza Hut Locations across Asia.
Pizza Hut Asia has teamed up with Mastercard to make this possible, and the first robots have been on active duty since the beginning of the year.

Functions of "Pepper" at Pizza Hut include:

  • Greet customers
  • Provide information about products
  • Customers can order on Pepper's tablet
  • Integrated payment system: Masterpass by Mastercard
  • Provide recommendations about products
"We are excited to welcome Pepper to the Pizza Hut family. Core to our digital transformation journey is the ability to make it easier for customers to engage, connect and transact with Pizza Hut. With an order-and-payment-enabled Pepper, customers can now come to expect personalized ordering at our stores, reduce wait time for carryout, and have a fun, frictionless user experience."

-Vipul Chawla, managing director of Pizza Hut Restaurants Asia

Robots - a threat for jobs in the fast food industry ?

As I mentioned above, we've all heard a thousand times before that jobs are going to take over our jobs in the future.

But it seems like this is a particular threat for the fast food industry!

Digital ordering terminals have becoming very popular to speed up the order process for the customer and reduce labor costs. While robots haven't been tested in fast food restaurants in the US yet, Mc Donalds USA CEO Ed Rensi has stated that it will probably happen in the near future, warning that it replacing humans with robots will become more and more efficient, especially if the minimum wage is raised above $15..

He said:

"It's cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who's inefficient making $15 an hour bagging french fries. It's nonsense and it's very destructive and it's inflationary and it's going to cause a job loss across this country like you're not going to believe."

What do you think about "Pepper" the robot at Pizza Hut, and about the future of robots in general? Will they overtake minimum wage jobs soon?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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© Sirwinchester


I understand the economics behind why a business will do this, but they will lose my business as long as there is another business that has real people.

I never use self check in the grocery store or Home Depot etc and when the employees try to get me to use it or ask my why I don't, the expression on their faces is always priceless when I tell them the longer I keep choosing them over automation, the longer they have a job.

Yes, you definitely have a point. I can imagine their faces when you say that!
Although I believe automated processes in stores are the future and it's probably unavoidable that they will replace some jobs soon.

I think you're definitely right, I just don't have to help it along when I can see the people and imagine their lives. The younger ones can adapt, but the older ones, especially the retirees...

If you consider the costs associated with insurance, legal and productivity - especially with fast food workers - it really does make sense to automate from the point of view of the employer. There's just no other way.

It's unfortunate that many people will loose their jobs, but that is the nature of progress and innovation: the old has to die to make space for the new.

This is what happens when you demand higher pay for a job that requires no skill or the skill a robot can do. If you want higher pay then provide value.

Yeah, what happens when the robots only cost $10k? 5k?

Of course there are still some things that can be done better by humans, for examply frying meat until it looks done, but simple tasks like taking orders can be automated easily.
Like you said, it's the future, it's unavoidable.

With the "robot taking jobs away" example you confirm that it is so imperative to change the education system in most countries. We have to teach our kids to be creative and innovative, to learn what is important (and discard the rest) an seek for critical information, to work in groups, ... That is the only way to stay somewhat competitive against robots and AI.

And then the cheaper bots working in the back .. 😂

This is hilarious hahahah.
How NOT to program a robot!

this is a Made in China robot

Hi @Sirwinchester

I'm searching through the blogs discussing basic income today. Your blog appeared - maybe we'll all need Universal Basic Income when the robots arrive!

I signed up for Swift Demand last week on the premise that this free registration would provide me with a coin related to daily income.

I've blogged about it today if you wish to have a look. And if you are keen, maybe you can blog/share your referral link to your followers?

Have a good day


Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, does not make sense. The businesses will be forced to hire less people or fire people and throughout the country this will increase unemployment. Minimum wage jobs are meant as a stepping stone. You gain some skills and move on. It is not a lifetime career. So, good for these companies for buying robots. They will not have to deal with inefficient employees and the customer will probably get better service and properly cooked food. And as for the people who got fired or were never hired, because of the increased minimum wage? They will have to learn a useful skill or wind up like these people!

Yes, I agree.. minimum wage jobs are not meant forever.
And you're right, $15/hour will only result in less people receiving that wage, and more people having no job at all.

I found something crazy about Pepper, too. Wrote a post yesterday about a robot dressed in monk's robes and performing the last rites at Buddhist funerals. Nothing sacred left in this world.

Wow how interesting, I upvoted your post! Thanks for sharing, I can't believe robots are being used for religious services now too.

I don't mind if Pizza Hut has Robots because I will not eat that GMO Pizza anyway.........

Informative read. I have AMPed the Pepper-Pizza Hut video.

"I didn't mess that order up, Pepper did!", I can hear it now!

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