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RE: Feel Free To Change Your Mind

in #life7 years ago

Quite some teacher. You don’t come across many of those :-)
I completely agree with what you’re saying. Most people (including me) are so focused on the negative things in life, that we often forget the positive things.

Life is very simply, but somehow most people’s mind is trained to make it complicated. If you’re experiencing life as a rocky road, the rock is mostly just you.

People are dealing with things from the past, or things they might have to deal with in the future, instead of living in the moment.

Why overcomplicate things by overthinking them? Overthinking things has never saved me from making mistakes. Life is trial and error, but the more you focus on the errors, the more errors you will experience.

The solution is to let go (I’m not entirely sure this is the correct translation of what I mean), to not cling on to things you can not change.

I can hear myself saying it all the time: “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist” - lol. Which is not a lie, because I have a tendency to focus on the negative things in life.
Why? I don’t know. Probably because I was brought up that way. I have litterally been brainwashed during the first 18 years of my life.
When I was about 20 years old, I realised that I was more than just the result of the way I was brought up. That I was responsible for making my own choices. I’m completely aware of everything you’re saying, and during the 20 years that have passed since I was 20, I have been trying to reprogram myself, but every day is still a struggle.
It’s one thing to be aware of the fact that you’re your own rock in the road, but it sure ain’t easy to flip the switch. I know the change is only a choice away, but for some reason I’m still not able to actually make that choice.

Oh boy, explaining this in English is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I hope that what I’m trying to say makes a little sense. If not, plz forgive me: my tendency to overthink everything is probably overcomplicating it again ;-D

One of my favorite quotes is one from Shantideva: “If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?”
So true, but haven’t found a way to put it into practise.

Anyway, thanks for your post. I don’t believe in coincidence. I was scrolling a tag stream I never check out, and I don’t know what made me open your post, but I did. Apparently I needed to be reminded of this, maybe to take another step in the right direction...


We are all brainwashed, dear. We got the same quest and then we are thrown out there to figure the way out. But the fact you are aware of it makes total difference.
Once we know we are trivializing negativity and doing nothing about, we get more distant from what we truly are and also from our happiness. It's a waste of time. But it's never to late to change it!
I keep telling this myself too, Bianca, either you can or not solve this problem, you have no reason to cry over it.
I also don't believe in coincidence, so knowing that made my day, thank you so much for having the trouble to read and comment. Keep trying! I love this Lao-Tzu saying, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
I don't know if you already do it, but try meditation, it has helped me wonders. Also, Louise Hay books are super badass. All the best!

Thanks. I’ll check them out

An impressive story. You are a cheerful person ..

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