Happy Ferragosto !!! ^_^

in #life5 years ago

I think there's not an English word to translate the italian meanings of the word "Ferragosto", but for us is the name we use to indicate the August 15th. 

The italian term "ferragosto" came from the latin  Feriae Augusti, that means "August Holiday". In the 18 b.C., the roman  imperator Augusto declared the month of August like  a month of holiday. This is because before this decision there were a lot of different events and holidays  during this month and Augusto decided to unite all those different holidays in just one "event" called  Feriae Augustales. The events and parties run all the month, but the main date was the first day of august. The catholic Church changed the main date from the August 1th to the August 15th so people could celebrate the Feriae Augustales and the day of the Assumption of Mary at the same time.

So, during this day all the shops are closed, people tend to spend the day on the mountain or on the sea and there are a lot of different events in the villages.

See ya soon and happy Ferragosto to you all!


silvia beneforti

silvia beneforti

This is sooo cute! ❤️ I love your colors. Happy Ferragosto! It’s Independence Day here in India and therefore a holiday too😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thans so much and happy Independence Day to you ❤️

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WOW a WHOLE MONTH of holiday! That's like a dream!!!

I would like this to be a thing again :D Happy Ferragosto!

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