THE EVOLUTION OF BILL GATESsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

The mainstream media has been saying lately that Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and set to become a trillionaire.

What the MSM don’t mention (ever) is that the richest man in the world is actually Jacob Rothschild, who owns damn near everything, including the MSM and Bill Gates.

The trillionaire thing is a projection 25 years into the future, but as Bill Gates has a degenerative disease and isn’t looking too hot these days, he may not be around in 25 years. Maybe he should have vaccinated himself against the unnamed disease.

I just realized it’s nearly three weeks since I did a Steemit post – I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t had much time, but I have noted my post ideas down (currently there are 82 post ideas on my list), and I have been having a quick look down my timeline each day. Keep up all the awesome posts – I’ll be back!


Wasn't BIll Gates forced to step out of MS because of their misuse of their monopoly?

Well he did a great job staying out of it, and honestly the works he is doing if the bad investments are a good thing.

I'm not convinced he has done any good work since Win 98 but he has certainly killed a lot of people so I guess his eugenics angle is going well...

Please eloborate how he killed people? With the vaccin?
I am not a pro Bill Gates person, more an ANTI Microsoft person, since they don't innovate but only want to earn earn earn. It was of Firefox that they started make IE better, which still sucks.

However what I find appealing is that he with his bill and melinda foundation don't just spent for tax returns but is (in my humble opinion) tries to make a better world?

Here is a good link explaining more about Gates and his eugenics foundation:

"So you want to be a billionaire? Easy. Just come from a well-connected, eugenics-obsessed elitist insider family and steal, swindle and scam your way to the top. Getting rid of your billions in a way that benefits you and helps to depopulate the earth, however…now that’s the hard part. Join us today as we study the master of billionaire-fueled, eugenics-driven philanthropy of our times: Bill Gates"

His key tool for killing people is vaccinations, and although its hard to put a figure on how many, it is certainly in the millions, so he is up there with other big time murdering psychopaths like henry kissinger...

Interesting read, thanks for sharing. I certainly was not aware of this unhuman things he is guilty off.

I feel really shocked man.

PS - I like your logo - We have 10x HP computers!

Lol HP in whatever variation is always a guarantee for quality ;)

Jacob Rothschild probably pays to keep his name off the list.

This is the difference between a person who has a lot of money, and a person who owns the concept of money. Bill Gates could lose all of his money, unlikely, but possible. Jacob Rothschild would only lose if humanity gave up on using money as a medium of exchange, at all, and given how much stuff he owns it probably wouldn't bother him too much.

I don't think rotchild has to pay - he owns!

We always have to pay for what we want. Rothschild just doesn't pay in money.

Rothschild is the "Red Shield". I don't know how so many people have this shoved in their faces and don't see it. From Red China, the Soviet Reds, the Red symphony, the red team in intelligence simulations and military war games, it's all around us. The red is always the adversary. The adversary is personified, as archetype, as Satan, associated, traditionally, with the color red. None of this is by accident, and is designed to tale advantage of an instinctual fear of the color red. In nature, the color red is a sign of danger, and tells us what not to eat, what not to touch. You have probably run across the idea that symbols are used to bypass our conscious, rational faculties. Color is an even more basic way of doing this. Smell, I think is the most basic.

Maybe he should try some of the bogus AIDs vaccine he and Bill Clinton (Through CGI) they sold to Africa. If you don't know the story, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation "donated" $25 million to the Clinton Foundation to "help fight the worldwide AIDs epidemic." The CGI went to some crooked Indian pharmaceutical company that's been under indictment for years and bought their crappy ineffective vaccine and sold it to African nations (where AIDs is rampant) for a profit.

It's all a real can of worms isn't it?

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