Papa kehte the, Ma ne kaha....

in #life6 years ago

A big thank you to @steemflow for reminding us the lessons we have learnt from our parents consciously or unconsciously. Check out the original post for more details :

When I first read about this contest, I felt oh I will have a lot to write . But when I actually started writing about it, I could not think of anything not because they haven’t taught me anything but simply because we don’t realise the values which our parents inculcate in our personality. It is a process which grows into our system in our growing years. We just take them without thinking of it. These values have a great influence in shaping up our personalities.
This contest made me go in flashback of my childhood and I recalled slowly-slowly the lessons my parents have taught me. Everything is so vivid now I can see the image of my childhood in the mirror, as if somebody has just removed the dust from the surface. Fog have just cleared from the sky.


Ma-papa, these are not just words they are the whole world. The unconditional love they give, the selfless advice they give, everything is so pure and beautiful about them and their words, golden!
My father was a man of few words but whatever he said 35-40 years back, is so relevant today also. He was in government job where he got servants, vehicle, he got every facility but never allowed us to misuse it. He would tell us today when you are getting it for free you will misuse it but tomorrow if you have to pay it from your own pocket will you do the same?
“So don’t spoil your habits just because you are getting it for free.” Those were his wise words.

I have learnt to not misuse the resources just because they are for free!

And ma! Oh my God she used to tell so many things, used to advice on so many things. Par ma ki suni kab.

Just heard her never listened to her. She would ask me go to kitchen and turn the gas off, with clear instructions, the one with the boiling milk. I would go in the kitchen and than shout which one. Because never listened to her carefully. You know these small things which otherwise are nothing but yes now I when look at those things I have realised its importance.

Mother told so many things... sigh ... I never paid attention.
But with time I have understood what she said, why she said it, what it meant and how true all of it is!
One advise which I have followed seriously (there are many but one particular advise I would like to mention here) is that she always say don’t try to win a talk with an argument in a relationship. Listen to other’s point of view and try to understand to maintain all your relationships.

I have learnt the value of relations!

Unfortuanetly my father passed away before I could become more mature to take his advice more seriously but my mother, I do care for her words now. There are so many things which I have learnt about life from her experience.
I have noticed no matter how tensed I am, the moment I hear her voice, I know everything is gonna be alright.


This is too good. Feels like u have written it for us all. Thanks @shilpavarma

Thank you ! Glad you liked it!

tears in my eyes as I read this. I guess as children, we never realise their value but only do so after they are gone. Your parents are beautiful. I too lost my dad when I was young but my mother lived to see my family. Now, I wish I could have done so much for them but it is too late

Thank you! Glad you liked it! Sorry to hear , yes with time we understand the value of parents unfortunately when it is too late.

Good contest

Lovely couple

Thanks a ton! They made a beautiful couple!

Your post remind me of my childhood, thank you @shilpavarma.... one thing that happened exactly to me about the gas stove. I’m a medico and even now mamma treats me like a kid, very glad to have such parents and glad to born in India ..
Once again thank you madam.

I am glad you could relate to it. I appreciate that you took out time to read it. Thank you

For mother and father whatever we write is less, they gave us too much than what we need. Mother is always caring and father teach lesson about how to combat life. I migrated from my native place and my mom and dad stays there and I miss them too much.

True! We have to leave our parents behind in our homes sometimes for this very life which they have given us.

Good advice: "to not misuse the resources just because they are for free"

Thank you ! Glad you liked it!

True indeed, Mom-Dad gives us unconditional love!

Thank you so much! Appreciate that!

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