Your Ancestors has paid for You.

in #life5 years ago

If You have ever been complimented for anything adorable about you, that's because your ancestors has paid for it.

Once upon a time, there was a hunter who lived in a small village somewhere in Africa, one day, as it is his established custom, he went hunting promising to come home with assorted game, so they could have a feast. After stalking for several days, there was no game on sight. he thought, perhaps if he went farther into the forest, he may get lucky. But the farther he went ,the deeper he went into the forest. He ran out of food and water , soon he began to starve but the lack of water worried him more , yet he kept pushing into the forest with the hope of getting some water or animal until the game was no longer his priority, he desperately was in need of water . Well, given the circumstances he found himself in , dying would not be such a tragedy , however if that was his fate , at least he should find a cave or somewhere a little concealed to lay his head and die so that wild animals wouldn't feed on his body.

As he stood turning on one spot, drunk with thirst , suddenly he saw a path he did not notice before. He followed the path , hoping to find a spot hidden enough to hold his body , he hasn't got too far when he came upon an open field that looked like the courtyard of somebody's house. When he managed to look, lo and behold , he saw a sign board that said "food is ready" as if that was not exhilarating enough, underneath this advertisement was written 'All you can eat for free, your ancestors have paid for your food"

With the last energy he could muster, he trudged toward the direction that the signboard pointed and he soon found himself in a big compound. Everyone he saw appeared busy, dedicated to the affair of the stomach. As the famished Hunter stood bewildered in the middle of all the frenetic activities of cooking and frying and cutting and pounding, he wondered of the whole scene and what he can make of it. "Could it be that he had died and had ended up in heaven?" . He was still to make sense of everything when he saw two ladies walk toward him with two crystal jugs of what looked like milk . One of them handed him the jug she was carrying. In a jiffy he emptied the content , he felt a new surge of energy and became more aware of his environment. "No doubt, this is the heaven, I have been hearing of " he thought. The ladies led him to a room and sat him down , everything around felt comfortable and soft , even in his excitement, he had a major concern "He had no money, how would he pay for the food and the drinks? He could not be sure now that he actually saw what he thought he read on the sign board outside, that the food was free because his ancestors had paid, he had no idea that his ancestors wander that way , so the signboard maybe intended for a particular guest and not general guests".

"Is it true that the food is free because our ancestors has paid for it" he summoned courage to ask. They confirmed that it was true because his parent's parent had paid for everything. All glory to his ancestors he said as he ordered for more meals , it was the most delicious meal he has ever ate. When he has finished, a new wave of tranquility swept over him and he did not know when he slept off. He woke up with the two angelic ladies still waiting on him. He thanked them profusely and informed them that he would like to be on his way. He was asked if he enjoyed the food and he responded Yes to it with a smile.

As he set to be on his way, a voice deep as it flooded the room , jolting him back.
"Gentleman, you have not paid "
"What was this? He wondered 'but I was told that I could have anything for free because my parents had paid for it."

"Yes, the voice replied , you have done just that but the reason you were able to enjoy the free meal that you just had was that someone else had paid. You too must pay, so that your children coming after you would also enjoy a free meal , someday ,like you just did"

The story ended with a lesson, there is a price that every generation must pay so that the future generations would live better and more fulfilled lives. Our parents paid the price by teaching us what we know today and helping us become what we are today, you too must pay yours too by passing this teaching to your children, who must in turn pass it on their own children till the end of time.

So the foundation we build today, determine what kind of building can be lay on it, whatever thing is pure, whatever thing is Godly, whatever thing is of good report- think on these things.


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