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RE: Remembering How to Read: A Few Tips

in #life7 years ago

Great tips.

I was an avid reader as a child and somehow once I got through University and started working it went out the window - and it wasn't a time thing - god knows I spent a lot of wasted time doing nothing terribly useful.

Just over a year ago a joined a book club and from there hopped on to Good Reads. I now aim to rad a minimum of 100 books a year. And I get that in by minimizing my screen time - especially before bed, using audio-books when I go for my daily walk or doing chores, and reading when I commute.

I'm pleased to say that the love of reading has returned with a vengeance!

I hope this is something never lost again. It truly is wonderful how it opens the mind, expands horizons and takes you on a journey. I think every book changes you just a little - and hopefully for the better.

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